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Tuesday, February 1, 2022, 0919 (UTC)
Deadly floods in Brazil after heavy rainfall
Deadly floods in Brazil after heavy rainfall

The state of São Paulo in Brazil has been inundated with heavy rainfall since Friday causing the deaths of at least 24 people and displacing thousands more.

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Italian President Sergio Mattarella re-elected for second term, ending successor row
Italian President Sergio Mattarella re-elected for second term, ending successor row

Incumbent President of Italy Sergio Mattarella was re-elected for a second seven-year term on Friday...

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James Webb Space Telescope moves to final orbit
James Webb Space Telescope moves to final orbit

On January 24, the James Webb Space Telescope entered its destination orbit around the L2 Lagrange point, on the opposite side of Earth from the Sun.

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North Korean veteran statesman Ri Yong Mu dies aged 97
North Korean veteran statesman Ri Yong Mu dies aged 97

North Korean state-run newspaper Rodong Sinmun reported Friday that high-ranking official Ri Yong Mu died of acute myocardial infarction on Thursday morning at age 97.

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Australian government pays A$20m for copyright to Aboriginal flag
Australian government pays A$20m for copyright to Aboriginal flag

On January 25, the day preceding Australia Day, the Australian government announced it had purchased the copyright to the Australian Aboriginal Flag for A$20.05 million.

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