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Supporting pre-service teachers as they build their career

As pre-service teachers, full of new ideas, intrigued to explore new technologies and motivated to become the learning activator and experience designer, it would be ideal to have a place where you can discover, explore, create, save and share your work.

Imagine a future in which learners are totally engaged and immersed in working together to solve real problems that matter to them. One where educators facilitate the mastery and creation of practical solutions that benefit learners. This future is made entirely possible with

As John Martin Richardson, Jr. said “When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened”. Which of these are you?

The Virtuoso learning enablement platform can be your partner throughout the duration of your pre-service teaching training, where we will continue to add new features and make improvements based on your feedback.

Equipping pre-service teachers with critical educational technology competencies

A majority of pre-service teachers feel that they are not currently being adequately prepared during their training years for integrating technology into their teaching. At Cinglevue we concur with the research findings that equipping every pre-service teacher with these essential skills and knowledge should be a mandatory part of any teacher-training program so as to empower the new teachers with critical educational technology competencies that reflect and meet the educational demands of the 21st century.

Given the ever changing learning landscape, it is critical – not desirable, that technology forms an essential part of the teachers’ repertoire right from the beginning. To this end, our Early Adopter Program will offer pre-service teachers, free and ongoing access to Virtuoso throughout the teacher training degree as part of the Free Trial Term.

Virtuoso: The learning enablement platform that pre-service teachers have been asking for

“I want to have a place where I can save my ideas and activities for future lessons, which I can use for my professional practices”
"Sharing my work with other pre-service teachers and learning together will help me be prepared for my placements in schools."
"Having feedback from an experienced teacher will help me to develop my classroom practices and whole career"
“Get to know and understand my students as individuals throughout my placement in a school, including academic aspects as well as their individual interests and motivations which will nurture my engagement with them”
“I want to have a place where I can save my ideas and activities for future lessons, which I can use for my professional practices”

Designing lessons is a demanding yet rewarding aspect of pre-service teaching responsibilities. Virtuoso facilitates the planning and implementation of the principles, methods and pedagogies learned during teaching training, enabling pre-service teachers to explore and consider these in detail before, during, and after practice.


Informed by research to better understand how technology can support teachers and students in the classroom: Supporting technology-enhanced pedagogy research (collaboration with Macquarie University)

Capture your interests, insights and development during teacher training: Start building your Teaching ePortfolio to capture your interests, demonstrate your development as an educator, and document your learning in accordance with the relevant teaching standards.

Prepare for future teaching: Use Interactive Plan, design, and deliver your teaching using templates within Virtuoso.
"Sharing my work with other pre-service teachers and learning together will help me be prepared for my placements in schools."

Collaborate with colleagues, build professional networks and develop your competency with digital teaching and learning technologies to prepare for future practice.


Informed by research: Supporting technology-enhanced pedagogy research (collaboration with Macquarie University)

Design your future lesson collaboratively: Create the activities for your future lessons with your pre-service teachers’ peers and in-service teachers through the collaborative design space within Virtuoso, having feedback based directly on your design.

Use high quality resources: Include in your practice resources from your colleagues and external providers during your lessons using the resource pool. Utilise Virtuoso to engage in intentional, immersive educational practices and share this your ePortfolio for future reflection and reference.
"Having feedback from an experienced teacher will help me to develop my classroom practices and whole career"

Having guidance which nurtures teaching helps to improve professional skills such as classroom management, achieve competencies such as the development of pedagogical content knowledge, as well as establish strengths and areas for improvement. Virtuoso facilitates this continuous feedback exchange and supports the development of collaborative initiatives in accordance with teacher mentoring programs.


Informed by research: Individual Learning Pathways

Receive constant feedback: Improve your teaching preparation and skills based on text, audio, and video feedback from your experienced teaching colleagues based on their evaluation of your teaching and the feedback and performance from your students.

Document your achievements: Save, track, and present your accomplishments and what you have learned during your teaching training and practice using the integrated ePortfolio within Virtuoso.
“Get to know and understand my students as individuals throughout my placement in a school, including academic aspects as well as their individual interests and motivations which will nurture my engagement with them”

Knowing students before classes result as an advantage for future lessons. Virtuoso captures data describing student behaviour and engagement, learning progression and performance, special and individual learning needs, and more to accommodate teaching and learning across a wide range of settings).


Informed by research: Research Collaboration Centre (RCC) at Macquarie University

Visible data from your students: Know where the students are in their learning path and implement efficient and effective actions during your weeks of practice to empower them in their lifelong learning. Virtuoso provides dynamic reports based on trends from evidence-based insights.

Align individual student learning needs: The dedicated tool within Virtuoso that engages with parents and teachers to support the individual learning process for each student will help you to design and align curriculum outcomes in a more responsive and targeted way during lessons.

Join our Early Adopter Program for pre-service teachers

Use Virtuoso throughout your teacher training at no-cost and provide us with your feedback to continuously improve the platform.

Discover and be part of a community of pre-service teachers committed to shaping the classrooms of the future.

Share your ideas and expectations to refine our learning enablement platform based on your insights and perspectives as a pre-service teacher.

Engage with our team of experienced educators, researchers, and technologists to expand your horizons and learn how to use technology to enhance teaching and learning.

Be at the forefront of educational research and technology and inform the future direction of the Virtuoso platform.

The Early Adopter Program is our way of . . .

  • Giving you an authentic user experience in testing new feature developments across our solution offerings.
  • Receiving critical feedback on usability, relevance and benefits of our solution in terms of what works and what doesn’t. This approach helps us create informed solutions that are fit for purpose and features that exceed user expectations.
  • Continuing to strive to innovate and improve our solutions to ensure we are consistent in meeting our customers’ business needs. We cannot achieve this objective without the support from our Early Adopter Program community.

Why is this important?

The findings from a large number of studies undertaken to explore the level of technology use by pre-service teachers indicate low levels of technology integration in the design and delivery of their lessons (Al-Ruz et al. 2011; Dawson, 2008; Liu, 2012). This has been mostly attributed to ineffective technology teacher-training programs (Albirini, 2006; Liu, 2012; Scheeler, 2008). An approach that treats teaching as an interaction between what teachers know and how they apply this given the unique circumstances or contexts within their classrooms is required, where the use of technology in teaching can no longer be an afterthought in lesson and unit design.

How do I sign up?

Register here to discover the benefits and capabilities of the Virtuoso learning enablement platform for pre-service teachers.

Please note that you will need to use your university/institution’s email address and a valid student registration number (email domains like,, etc. will not be eligible for registering).

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Diana Salas at [email protected]
Don’t miss the opportunity to discover our enablement platform.

More reading and references

  • Albirini, A. (2006). Teachers’ attitudes toward information and communication technologies: The case of Syrian EFL teachers. Computers & Education, 47(4), 373-398.Al-Ruz, J. A., & Khasawneh, S. (2011). Jordanian pre-service teachers’ and technology integration: A human resource development approach. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 14(4), 77-87.
  • Dawson, V. (2008). Use of information communication technology by early career science teachers in Western Australia. International Journal of Science Education, 30(2), 203-219.
  • Liu, S. H. (2012). A multivariate model of factors influencing technology use by preservice teachers during practice teaching. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 15(4), 137-149.
  • Scheeler, M. C. (2008). Generalizing effective teaching skills: The missing link in teacher preparation. Journal of Behavioural Education, 17(2), 145-159.

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