
Make WordPress Core

Opened 12 months ago

Closed 11 months ago

Last modified 11 months ago

#52402 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

New Admin color palette: Improve color contrasts on primary buttons and help tabs

Reported by: audrasjb Owned by: ryelle
Milestone: 5.7 Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 5.7
Component: Administration Keywords: has-patch
Focuses: accessibility, css Cc:


Related: #49999

As noted by @joedolson:

Couple broadly applicable contrast issues noted with new color scheme:
1) Primary button color: 4.08:1 contrast.
2) Contextual help link: 4.20:1 contrast

Following @ryelle color palette, I'd suggest:

Primary buttons:

  • Background color: replace #2271b1 with #135e96
  • Border color: replace #2271b1 with #135e96
  • Hover background color: replace #135e96 with #0a4b78
  • Hover border color: replace #135e96 with #0a4b78

Help tab buttons:

  • Font color: replace #787c82 with #646970

I tested those combinaisons. It works fine visually and it's AA compliant for both large and small text.

Change History (15)

#1 @audrasjb
12 months ago

For reference, here is a link to the 5.7 Admin color palette shared in #49999: https://codepen.io/ryelle/full/WNGVEjw

This ticket was mentioned in PR #966 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by ryelle.

12 months ago

  • Keywords has-patch added; needs-patch removed

#3 @ryelle
12 months ago

I've started a PR to correct the contrast issues - in addition to the buttons and contextual help tabs, I also fixed the select hover color & input focus to be darker blue, and updated the list table actions (delete & unapprove).

These new colors work on the beige and white backgrounds, but on the alternate grey, even the darker yellow only gets to 4.38 (that's #996b00 against #f6f7f7). The next-darker yellow feels too brown, so I'm wondering if we should tweak the palette color itself. This is the only place we use this color, so if we adjust it to #996800 it would pass while keeping a gold-yellow feel.

The other change in here is fixing the checkmark color - this was set in SVG, so it was missed by the automated script. Now the checkmark and radio button dot match again. These are both #4f94d4 - do they also need to have a 4.5+ contrast?

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by ryokuhi. View the logs.

12 months ago

#5 @joedolson
12 months ago

User interface components only need to meet 3:1+ contrast standards, so you've got more flexibility there. If we can hit 4.0 or so there, that would be OK.

The yellow adjustment seems fine to me.

#6 @ryelle
12 months ago

Thanks! I've updated the checkmark & radio to #3582c4 which has a 4.08 contrast against white. I also updated yellow-50 in the palette to 996800, which just clears the 4.5 contrast against the alternate background.

I happened to notice the UI helper classes would lack contrast, so I bumped up the blue there, too.

#7 @prbot
11 months ago

ryelle commented on PR #966:

I've updated the badge colors on Site Health & Privacy - there are helper classes for blue, orange, red, green, purple, and gray "badge" indicators. We no longer have a purple, so this is just a darker blue.

Are these colors decorative or informative? should they also have 3+ (or 4.5+) contrast? Only red and "purple" have 3+ right now.

<img width="209" alt="Screen Shot 2021-02-08 at 2 40 57 PM" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/541093/107273789-88ffe680-6a1d-11eb-916e-b3fbd53d8a46.png">

<img width="208" alt="Screen Shot 2021-02-08 at 2 47 01 PM" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/541093/107273797-8bfad700-6a1d-11eb-85a7-a9bf6d5b0fb0.png">

#8 @prbot
11 months ago

joedolson commented on PR #966:

Looking at the images posted for the badges, they look to me like they're supplemental. They do contain information, but they aren't the information themselves, and there's no dependency on recognizing the colors to get the relevant information. It does offer some degree of speed advantage in perceiving the relevance of issues, but that's about it. Per 1.4.11, the contrast requirements are established where the visual information is required to perceive states or information, and that's not the case here.

#9 @ryelle
11 months ago

  • Owner set to ryelle
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

In 50278:

Administration: Update color contrast on UI elements.

The color palette changes in #49999 introduced some contrast issues on buttons, input elements, and links. This change ensures that all interactive elements have an appropriate contrast ratio.

Follow-up to [50025].
Props audrasjb, joedolson.
Fixes #52402.

#10 @ryelle
11 months ago

I committed this so that it could be included in the beta 2 release, but if there's still work to do on contrast issues we can either re-open this or continue in another ticket. Thanks @joedolson & @audrasjb!

#11 @prbot
11 months ago

ryelle commented on PR #966:

Committed in r50278.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #accessibility by ryelle. View the logs.

11 months ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by monikarao. View the logs.

11 months ago

#14 @Boniu91
11 months ago

The primary buttons' colors are not changed.

The help tab buttons' colors look as described in the ticket.

#15 @ryelle
11 months ago

@Boniu91 The values in the description of the ticket were not accurate to the previous versions, the buttons used to be #3582c4. The primary button color should now be #2271b1 (contrast of 5.16), switching to #135e96 (6.84) on hover. The help tab text color should be #646970. Does that match what you're seeing?

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