Information about Page Insights Data

When you use Facebook Products, including Pages, Facebook collects and uses the information described in Facebook's Data Policy under "What kinds of information do we collect?". Learn more about how we use cookies and similar technologies in our Cookies Policy.
For Pages, Facebook provides statistics and insights to Page admins that help them understand the types of actions that people take on their Pages ("Page Insights").
We care about protecting your privacy, so we have designed Page Insights to show Page admins high-level trends without identifying details about you (please note that Page admins might be able to associate your profile picture with your Page likes in Insights if you liked their Page and have set your Page likes to public).

Information used to create Page Insights

Page Insights are aggregated statistics that are created from certain events logged by Facebook servers when people interact with Pages and the content associated with them.
Such events are made up of various data points such as the following depending on the specific event:
  • People’s actions. This includes actions like the following:
    • Viewing a Page, post, video, story or other content associated with a Page
    • Interacting with a story
    • Following or unfollowing a Page
    • Liking or unliking a Page or post
    • Recommending a Page in a post or comment
    • Commenting on, sharing or reacting to a Page’s post (including the type of reaction)
    • Hiding a Page's post or reporting it as spam
    • Hovering over a link to a Page or a Page's name or profile picture to see a preview of the Page's content
    • Clicking on the website, phone number, Get Directions button or other button on a Page
    • Having a Page’s event on screen, responding to an event including type of reaction, clicking on a link for event tickets
    • Starting a Messenger communication with the Page
    • Viewing or clicking on items in Page’s shop
  • Information about the actions, the people taking the actions, and the browsers/apps used for them such as the following:
    • Date and time of action
    • Country/city (estimated from IP address or from user profile for logged in users)
    • Language code (from browser’s http header and/or language setting)
    • Age/gender group (from user profile for logged in users only)
    • Website previously visited (from browser’s http header)
    • Whether the action was taken from a computer or mobile device (from browser’s user agent or app attributes)
    • FB user ID (for logged in users only)
We determine whether you are logged in to Facebook via cookies in accordance with our Cookies Policy. Only a few events can be triggered if your are not logged in to Facebook. This includes visiting a Page or clicking on a photo or video in a post to view it.
Page admins do not have access to the data processed as part of events but only to the aggregated Page Insights.

Responsibility for your information used to create Page Insights

Page Insights provided for a Page may require the processing of personal data protected under the European General Data Protection Regulation (or "GDPR"). The GDPR will generally apply to the processing of your data for Page Insights where, for example, you live in the European Union. Facebook Ireland, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland (“Facebook Ireland”) and the Page admin may then be jointly responsible for the processing of your data in connection with a visit or other interaction with a Page or the content associated with it for creating Page Insights. In this case, the following applies:
  • Facebook Ireland and the Page admin have entered into an arrangement to determine their respective responsibilities for compliance with the obligations under the GDPR. For information on the Page admin please check the information provided or referenced on their Page.
  • Facebook Ireland and the Page admin have agreed that Facebook Ireland is responsible for providing you with information about the processing for Page Insights and for enabling you to exercise your rights under the GDPR. Under the GDPR, you have the right to access, rectify, port, delete and object to and restrict processing of your data. Learn more about these rights in your Facebook settings. You can also contact Facebook Ireland’s data protection officer whose contact details can be found in Facebook Ireland’s Data Policy.
  • Facebook and the Page admin have agreed that the Irish Data Protection Commission is the lead supervisory authority responsible for overseeing the processing for Page Insights (exceptions might apply where the Page admin is a public authority). You always have the right to lodge a complaint with the Irish Data Protection Commission (please see at or with any other supervisory authority.