Membership Volunteer & Engagement Opportunities

Types of Leadership Opportunities

AACN offers many opportunities for deans and faculty to be involved in the work of AACN including volunteer service on advisory committees, task forces, program subcommittees, and other advisory groups. Additional opportunities are available through the Leadership Networks including service on Steering Committees and shorter volunteer opportunities as award and abstract reviewers.  In addition, AACN offers the Be a Leader Among Leaders session at the Deans Annual Meeting which provides for more discussion about the various opportunities available including service on the Board of Directors and Nominating Committee.

Engagement Opportunities at a Glance

Responsibilities and Time Commitment

Committees: Advisory Committees support the work of the AACN Board in the areas of Diversity and Inclusion, Governmental Affairs, Membership, and Programs. Appointments are made for 1-2 years and the term of service coincides with the term of the Board Chair.
Time commitment: Committees generally meet twice a year during the AACN Deans Annual Meeting and the Academic Nursing Leadership Conference, as well as via regular conference calls.

Program Subcommittees: Program subcommittees are established to focus on a specific conference, such as Transform and Doctoral Education Conferences. Appointments are made for 1-2 years and subcommittee members are expected to attend the conference that they are planning.
Time commitment: Subcommittees generally meet via regular conference calls.

Task Forces:Task forces are established by the AACN Board of Directors to focus on issues of primary concern to nursing school deans and faculty. Recent task forces have prepared action plans and recommendations to address nursing academic progression, the preferred vision of the professoriate, and the vision of nursing education. 
Time commitment: Task forces generally meet once or twice a year during the AACN Deans Annual Meeting and/or the Academic Nursing Leadership Conference, as well as via regular conference calls. Some task forces require additional in-person meetings.

Advisory Groups: Advisory groups are established based on strategic priorities of the organization. Appointments are typically 1-2 years. 
Time Commitment: Advisory groups meet via conference calls on a regular basis, usually monthly.

Board of Directors: AACN's Board of Directors governs the organization by setting priorities and taking strategic action. Elected board positions include the Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and nine Board Members-at-Large 
Time commitment: Board membership requires a significant time commitment including quarterly meetings, monthly conference calls, and participation on external committees, panels, and events as the AACN representative. The Board Chair and Chair-Elect may spend up to 6-8 hours weekly on Board work and all other Board members may spend up to 2 hours weekly.  

Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee determines member's interest in serving on the Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee, and prepares the slate of candidates for the annual election.
Time commitment: The Nominating Committee meets twice a year during the AACN Deans Annual Meeting and the Academic Nursing Leadership Conference as well as via regular conference calls.


For more information on any of the opportunities described above, please contact Gene Throwe at (202) 463-6930, ext. 237 or [email protected].

Volunteers at a glance 2020, 298 schools represented, 130 dean volunteers, 290 Faculty & staff volunteers, 149 graduate student volunteers

Sign Up

AACN Member deans/directors and faculty wishing to explore volunteer leadership opportunities within the organization are invited to register their interest by completing the online Volunteer & Engagement Opportunities, located in at your MyAACN Dashboard under "My Membership".  

Sign Up to Volunteer