IBM Support for Hyperledger Fabric

Keep open-source code in check with IBM’s unparalleled expertise in supporting Hyperledger Fabric.


Achieve operational agility with trust

As businesses adapt to an ever-changing new normal, extended collaboration and optimization beyond your organization is essential for next-level growth. Transformation isn’t always easy, and technology shouldn’t stand in the way. Drive operational agility and open new revenue streams through trusted data exchange and workflow automation beyond your organization boundaries. Learn how IBM® is leading the business world into a new era of collaboration and innovation.

Convening business networks where everyone can win

Visionary companies are transforming their industries with IBM Blockchain — from a safer, smarter and more profitable food supply to supply chains free of legacy processes.

A platform built for today’s multi-cloud world

Technical innovators are turning to the IBM Blockchain Platform, the leading Hyperledger Fabric platform to build, operate, govern and grow blockchain solutions across any computing environment through Red Hat® OpenShift®.

Blockchain expertise for smarter enterprises

Turn to IBM Blockchain Services to envision, establish and evolve your solution. Or work with other innovators through the IBM Blockchain Ecosystem and IBM Blockchain Partner Program.


Operational agility and speed to value

Optimize multiparty workflows around trusted data and accelerate performance across your value chain.

Cost takeout and risk mitigation

Streamline shared processes, increase accountability, minimize disputes and automate reconciliation tasks.

New monetization opportunities

Increase brand trust and sales with product authenticity and open new marketplaces with asset tokenization.

Blockchain solutions

Supply chain

Bolster your supply chain with multi-tier visibility and workflow automation. This matters more today, as consumers demand product authenticity and sustainability, and businesses demand data integrity and faster reconciliation between their partners.

Digital identity and credentials

Provide verifiable identity and credentials such as personal health and education records in a privacy-preserving way, allowing an individual to manage their information through an encrypted digital wallet on their personal device and maintain control of what they share, with whom and for what purpose.

Digital assets

Creation of a unique digital representation of an asset as a token goes beyond traditional financial instruments and enables you to trade all kinds of assets with more liquidity and speed at lower cost. Manage the full lifecycle of your digital assets in any form on a secure, scalable platform with risk and compliance programs specifically designed for digital assets.

Get started with IBM Blockchain

Join an existing network. Build your own blockchain solution. Co-create one with our experts. Partner with others for new opportunities. Wherever you are in your blockchain journey, IBM Blockchain will meet you there — and help take you where you want to go.

Blockchain use cases


Renault: Driven to succeed through XCEED

To solve the growing problem of processing millions of automotive compliance documents, Renault created the XCEED blockchain project, now being used across the industry as a tool for automating compliance documents.


IPwe helps unlock unrealized patent assets

There often hasn’t been great clarity around intellectual property (IP) and asset value. Now IPwe is harnessing the power of Watson AI to churn big data, enabling patent owners to diversify and tokenize their assets.


Sonoco and IBM strive for safer vaccinations

With lifesaving medicines and vaccines, it’s essential to establish public trust. Sonoco and IBM are working to increase supply chain transparency and safeguard medication efficacy.

Home Depot

Home Depot

Faster resolutions to problem transactions mean stronger relationships. Home Depot implemented IBM Blockchain technology to improve visibility and communications.

Farmer Connect

Farmer Connect

Farmer Connect and IBM Food Trust are connecting coffee growers and consumers with blockchain.

More cases


More blockchain use cases

Learn the practical applications of blockchain technology and take advantage of the potential to disrupt your industry.

Blockchain for industries

Industry leaders are using IBM Blockchain to remove friction, build trust and unlock new value. Select your segment to see how.

Resources from IBM Blockchain

Potential ROI with blockchain?

This report identifies the costs, benefits, flexibilities and risks of working with IBM Blockchain. Learn how to project your cost savings and the business benefits.

Analyst industry research

This sweeping overview prepared by ABI Research studies blockchain use in industrial markets and compares blockchain solutions currently offered.

Explore our Developer Center

Find tools, tutorials, code and more for blockchain app developers using open source Hyperledger Fabric and IBM Blockchain.

News and event updates

The world of blockchain is changing rapidly as it’s embraced by increasing numbers of industries. Register for regular updates about the latest blockchain news and events.

Learn more about IBM Blockchain