Strategic Plan

FY 2020-2022 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives

GOAL 1: AACN is the driving force for innovation and excellence in academic nursing.

Objective 1: Lead innovation in academic nursing that advances interprofessional health care.

Objective 2: Enhance the influence of academic nursing in the healthcare and higher education arenas.

Objective 3: Build strategic partnerships to advance academic nursing.

Objective 4: Advance scholarship in nursing.

GOAL 2: AACN is a leading partner in advancing improvements in health, health care, and higher education.

Objective 1: Develop leaders at all levels in academic nursing to better position the profession to transform higher education and health.

Objective 2: Expand collaborative opportunities with healthcare, higher education, and other stakeholders to improve health and enhance quality outcomes.

Objective 3: Develop a shared vision and national policies with interprofessional partner organizations to advance healthcare redesign and delivery.

Objective 4: Expand opportunities for all stakeholders to play a prominent role in achieving AACN’s mission and vision.

GOAL 3: AACN is a primary advocate for advancing diversity and inclusion within academic nursing.

Objective 1: Facilitate initiatives that promote and implement diversity and inclusion in academic nursing.

Objective 2: Promote policies, practices, and a culture that facilitates the achievement of health equity.

Objective 3: Create opportunities that bring together all stakeholders to improve equity in health and health care.

Objective 4: Increase engagement in AACN by constituency groups underrepresented in the profession.

GOAL 4: AACN is the authoritative source of knowledge to advance academic nursing through information curation and synthesis.

Objective 1: Serve as the leading information resource on issues and trends impacting academic nursing.

Objective 2: Support the assessment, development and evaluation of nursing education and the needs of the nursing workforce.

Objective 3: Generate knowledge and produce data-informed communications for strategic decision-making.

Objective 4: Synthesize data from internal and external sources to advance academic nursing.


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