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AACN Research and Data Services

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Contact Us

Di Fang, PhD
Director of Institutional Research and Data Services
(202) 463-6934

Jenny Keyt, MS
Data Coordinator
(202) 868-4328

Taylor McFadden
Data Assistant
(202) 868-4323


Research and Data Center

Since 1978, AACN’s Research and Data Services Department has been the catalyst for the creation and maintenance of a database concerning baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs in the United States and surrounding territories. This authoritative database serves as a primary resource for state and federal governments, external research inquiries from foundations and media outlets, as well as internal school decision making. Annually, the department collects and reports data to the nursing education community on student enrollment and graduations as well as demographics, academic characteristics, and salaries of faculty and deans. The department's surveys continue to receive high response rates (92.4% for the 2020 Annual Survey) with data publication times that remain unmatched by other organizations. 

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