Change the Web Challenge

Posted February 26, 2009 by foolswisdom. Filed under Widgets.

We’re excited to be part of the Change the Web Challenge.

Basically, the contest is to create a plugin, widget, mash up, hack, or other variety of web application that helps people find and share opportunities to take action. The grand prize is 50 benjis, and the best WordPress plugin will also be featured in the Plugin Directory. But the real prize is spreading a little more love in the world.

Click here for all the details.

Writing a Plugin” in the WordPress Codex is where I got started when I needed to get hooked in to WordPress. Others might like to grab one of the over 4,000 open source WordPress plugins and tweak the source. If in need of a little help, the Plugins and Hacks forum is full of friends to assist you wrap your head around the code or debug a problem. Social Actions also has provided some developer resources.

Let’s show them how we change the web the WordPress way!

New and Improved Plugins Directory Search

Posted February 19, 2009 by Michael Adams (mdawaffe). Filed under General.

One of the biggest problems and most frequent complaints we’ve had with the Plugins Directory is the horrible, horrible search results.

No longer.  We’re now using Sphinx (a “free open-source SQL full-text search engine”) to power search on the Plugins Directory both from the website and from within your blog’s admin (Plugins → Add New).

It works much better. There are a few oddities floating around (our fault not sphinx’s) that we’ll be cleaning up shortly, but we’re happy enough with it on the whole to start letting everyone else use it 🙂

Currently, the search only indexes the plugin’s title and description/installation/FAQ/etc. (from the plugin’s readme.txt file), but we’ll be adding things like authors and tags soon.

WordPress 2.7.1

Posted February 10, 2009 by Ryan Boren. Filed under Releases.

2.7.1, the first 2.7 maintenance release, is now available.  2.7.1 fixes 68 tickets.  You can automatically upgrade from 2.7 to 2.7.1 via the Tools → Upgrade menu, or you can download the package and upgrade manually.

You may have noticed that we went much longer than usual to release this .1 update. We’re very proud of this fact because it’s a testament to the testing all of you contributed prior to the release of 2.7 which helped make it the most bug-free release we’ve had.

Consult the list of fixed tickets and the  full set of changes between 2.7 and 2.7.1 for details.

Finally partly due to the stability of the 2.7 we’ve decided to push back 2.8 a few more weeks so we can bring in a few more speed optimizations, taxonomy enhancements, and new theme features. We also need to figure out which jazz musician to name the release after.

See Also:

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