IBM’s commitment to Hyperledger Fabric

At Hyperledger Global Forum 2021, IBM rededicated its commitment to open-source Hyperledger Fabric. Watch the event replay and learn from experts as they discuss the IBM R&D contribution.

Convening business networks where everyone can win

Right now, visionary companies are coming together to transform the way their industries work with the help of IBM Blockchain. From a food supply that’s becoming safer, smarter and more profitable to supply chains freeing themselves from legacy processes and paperwork, IBM is leading the business world into a new era of collaboration and innovation.

A platform built for today’s multi-cloud world

Getting traditional collaborators and longtime competitors to agree on the bold steps needed for blockchain transformation isn’t easy. So the last thing that should slow the process is technology that stands in the way.

That’s why technical innovators turn to the IBM Blockchain Platform, the leading Hyperledger Fabric platform to build, operate, govern and grow blockchain solutions across any computing environment through Red Hat® OpenShift®.

Blockchain expertise for smarter enterprises

Today’s early movers know that blockchain works thanks to help from more than 1,600 IBM business and technical experts working on more than 500 IBM Blockchain projects so far.

To put blockchain at the center of your digital transformation, turn to IBM Blockchain Services to explore, envision, establish and evolve your solution. Or work with the IBM Blockchain Ecosystem to discover new business opportunities with other innovators through the IBM Blockchain Partner Program.


Get started with IBM Blockchain

Join an existing network. Build your own blockchain solution. Co-create one with our experts. Partner with others for new opportunities. Wherever you are in your blockchain journey, IBM Blockchain will meet you there — and help take you where you want to go.

What’s big at IBM Blockchain today?

Renault: Driven to succeed through XCEED

To solve the growing problem of processing millions of automotive compliance documents, Renault created the XCEED blockchain project, now being used across the industry as a tool for automating compliance documents.

IPwe helps unlock unrealized patent assets

There often hasn’t been great clarity around intellectual property (IP) and asset value. Now IPwe is harnessing the power of Watson AI to churn big data, enabling patent owners to diversify and tokenize their assets.

TradeLens supply chain ecosystem expands

The world’s 5th and 6th largest containerized freight carriers have completed integration onto the TradeLens platform. The ecosystem now includes more than 300 organizations, including 10 ocean carriers.


With blockchain, you can strengthen supply chain and trading relationships while facilitating more ethical consumerism through the digital provenance of components and manufactured goods.

Blockchain for industries

Industry leaders are using specialized applications of IBM Blockchain to remove friction, build trust and unlock new value, across industries and around the globe. Select your segment to see how to overcome the challenges you face today.

How IBM Blockchain works for business and industry

Blockchain solutions

IBM Blockchain solutions are where blockchain for business comes to life. Join the blockchain innovators who are transforming industries around the world.

Blockchain use cases

Learn the practical applications of blockchain technology and take advantage of the potential to disrupt your industry.

Blockchain resources

Studies and webinars to help you learn more about blockchain and get the most out of your blockchain investment.

The size and scale to help solve your business challenges

No matter where you are in your blockchain journey, IBM helps you rapidly simplify blockchain complexity to commercialize a network, unlock new value and scale up competitive advantages.


ranked by IDC, HFS, Everest Group and more


blockchain customer engagements to date

Get the most value from blockchain

A person a scrolling through graphs on a tablet

What’s your potential ROI with IBM Blockchain?

This Forrester Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) report identifies the cost, benefits, flexibilities and risks of working with IBM Blockchain. Watch our latest webinar, and read the full report to project your cost savings and the business benefits.

Warehouse worker in hard hat and protective mask

Get analyst research on blockchain adoption within industries

Which industries are getting the most for their blockchain investment and why? This sweeping overview prepared by ABI Research studies blockchain use in industrial markets and compares blockchain solutions currently offered.

Blockchain topics

Explore our informational guides to gain a deeper understanding of various aspects of blockchain such as how it works, ways to use it and considerations for implementation.

Resources from IBM Blockchain


Our monthly newsletter is packed with blockchain news you can use — and could become a regular “must read” among the hundreds of news sources you have at your fingertips.

Building blockchains that matter

Five principles on how blockchain can deliver real business value, be equitable to all participants, and promote open innovation and collaboration.

Explore our Developer Center

Tools, tutorials, code and more for blockchain app developers using open source Hyperledger Fabric and IBM Blockchain.

News and event updates

The world of blockchain is changing rapidly as it’s embraced by increasing numbers of industries. Register for regular updates about the latest blockchain news and events.

Learn more about IBM Blockchain now

Become one of the visionary businesses producing new value, rewriting the rules of your industry and changing the way the world works together.