Research Leadership Network (RLN)

The Research Leadership Network (RLN) is comprised of nursing faculty who have leadership roles facilitating research within their nursing programs.

The AACN Research Leadership Network will foster professional growth and development, information sharing, communication, and discussion of key issues. Networking within these groups will be facilitated through programs, meetings and electronic communications.

RLN Member Login  or  Join RLN

Who Should Join?

Nursing faculty who have leadership roles facilitating research within their nursing programs.

Why Join?

Whether you are just starting out in the profession or you are proudly looking back at a lifetime of achievements, membership in the RLN Leadership Network is of extraordinary value.

As a member, you can take advantage of the following benefits

  • Be involved and share experiences in a national network of leaders and subject matter experts through an exclusive RLN Community, a new online community platform just for RLN members. 
  • Participate in conferences geared around subjects of common interest.
  • Serve on working groups such as AACN conference programming and advisory groups.
  • Opportunities to earn (or receive) CEU credits with a network member discount.
  • Volunteer to serve on a Leadership Network Steering Community. 

Steering Committee

Join the Community

Connect with RLN colleagues nationwide using AACN’s Online RLN Community! This online forum provides a convenient way for you to ask for expert advice, seek practical solutions to everyday challenges, identify best practices, and share the latest news. Start a conversation, join in on a topic, or just check out what the platform is all about. The RLN Online Community is available to RLN Network Members only.  

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