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Azure Bot Service

A comprehensive development environment for designing and building enterprise-grade conversational AI

Build conversational AI experiences for your customers

Develop enterprise-grade conversational AI experiences while maintaining control of your data. Build multilingual and multimodal bots for any scenario from sales to customer support and employee productivity.

Comprehensive development experience

A visual authoring canvas with an extensible, open-source tool set

Powered by world-class AI

High-quality natural language, speech, and vision capabilities from Azure Cognitive Services

Multichannel experiences

Connection to popular channels such as telephony and Microsoft Teams with minimal code changes

Your brand, your data

Secure, responsible user experiences that extend your brand with full control of your data

Accelerate bot building with Bot Framework Composer

Start from a template and use a visual, open-source authoring canvas to extend and customize the conversation with code and prebuilt components.

Download Bot Framework Composer for Windows, Mac, or Linux.

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Add natural language, speech, and vision

Infuse your bot with the high-quality AI capabilities of Azure Cognitive Services. Enable your bot to interact with natural language and a recognizable, one-of-a-kind voice as unique as your brand.

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Deploy to popular channels with minimal code changes

Build once and deploy your bot to more than 13 channels to reach customers. Connect your bot to Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and digital channels, including your website, mobile apps, Microsoft Teams, Facebook Messenger, and Slack.

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Key service capabilities

Easy to start

Quickly convert existing FAQ pages and documentation into
a simple bot and increase sophistication over time.


Get enterprise-grade security, availability, compliance, and
manageability backed by Azure.

Natural conversation experience

Author sophisticated, multiturn conversation designs such interruption handling, cancelations, and context switching.

Multilingual, multimodal

Create bots that understand and speak multiple languages and
support text and speech.

Open source

Benefit from reusable conversational components built by
the open-source community.


Extend your bot with prebuilt components, dialogs,
and language models.

Conversational AI for healthcare

Azure Health Bot empowers developers in healthcare organizations to build and deploy AI-powered, compliant, conversational healthcare experiences at scale. It combines built-in medical databases with natural language capabilities to understand clinical terminology and support compliance requirements including HIPAA.

Create a bot using Azure Bot Service

Create an Azure Bot

Design a sophisticated bot

Select Connections and publish

Step 1 of 1

Step 1: Create an Azure Bot

Create a free Azure account.

Select Create a resource.

Type "bot" and select Azure Bot.

Configure resources.

Your bot is created.

Select Open in Composer to start editing your bot.

Step 1 of 1

Step 2: Design a sophisticated bot

Choose from a list of templates.

Design your bot's conversational logic.

Utilize open-source packages to extend your bot.

Step 1 of 1

Step 3: Select Connections and publish

Test and debug your bot in Bot Framework Composer.

Select Connections.

Provision and publish your bot from Bot Framework Composer.

Azure Bot Service pricing

Azure Bot Service is a managed bot development service that helps you seamlessly connect to your users via popular channels. Pay only for messages delivered using Premium channels, which allow your bot to communicate with users within your own application or on your website.

A Developer's Guide to Building AI Applications

Learn how to create your first conversational application with Azure Bot Framework

Resources and documentation

Bot Framework Composer

Review Microsoft documentation and GitHub.

Get Bot Framework Composer for Windows, Mac, or Linux.

Samples and learning modules

Learn how to build simple FAQ bots and intelligent, multiturn conversational experiences.

Explore and download samples from GitHub.

Read A Developer's Guide to Building AI Applications.

Community and support

Ask questions and get support from Microsoft engineers and the open-source Bot Framework community on Gitter and StackOverflow.

See how customers are using Azure Bot Service

CDC is using Azure Health Bot to address COVID-19

The CDC is slowing the spread of COVID-19 with "Clara," a health bot that helps users assess their symptoms according to CDC guidelines and has served hundreds of millions of users.


"Azure offers us the flexibility and control we needed to create a natural, branded voice assistant while maintaining the necessary privacy for our customers' data."

Jeremy Walker, Head of Technology Transformation BBC

"We're letting the sporting world know that LaLiga is all about innovation and that being on the leading edge is an essential part of our brand identity."

Minerva Santana, Director of Innovation and Global Development LaLiga

"One of the great things about Bot Service is that, out of the box, we could use it to quickly put together the basic framework for our bot."

Matt White, Marketing Manager, Personal Lines Acquisition Experience, Progressive Insurance

"We used Azure Bot Service and Cognitive Services to help cope with the complexity of launching Aura in six countries, on four separate channels, and doing it all seamlessly."

Chema Alonso, Chief Data Officer, Telefonica

"We used Azure Cognitive Services and Microsoft Bot Framework to deliver an instantly responsive, personal expert into our customers' pockets. Providing this constant access to help is key to our customer care strategy."

Paul Jacobs, Group Head of Operations Transformation Vodafone

Azure Bot Service partners

Extend Power Virtual Agents with Azure

Empower subject-matter experts and business users to build bots with Power Virtual Agents – without the need for code or AI expertise. Extend those bots with code when needed with Bot Framework Composer.

Frequently asked questions about Azure Bot Service

  • Bot Framework is a comprehensive conversational AI development environment for designing conversational AI experiences. Bot Framework Composer, Azure Bot Service, Azure Health Bot, and Power Virtual Agents are built on Bot Framework.

    QnA Maker is an Azure Cognitive Service that automatically extracts question-and- answer pairs from semi-structured documents, including website FAQ. QnA Maker makes it easy to create simple bots without the need to write code.

    Azure Health Bot is specifically designed to build bots for the healthcare domain. Power Virtual Agents is a no-code bot-building experience, available as a software as a service (SaaS) on Microsoft Power Platform.

  • Bot Framework Composer is a visual, open-source bot authoring canvas to build, test, and deploy bots directly to Azure. Start with a simple question-and-answer bot extracted from semi-structured documents or a website, or with prebuilt components that can be extended with code and logic to create sophisticated multilingual and multimodal bots for any scenario.

    Bots built in Power Virtual Agents can be extended in Bot Framework Composer.

  • Yes. The Bot Framework SDKs and tools are all built as open-source technologies, available through the GitHub repo. In addition, you can integrate your own components and technologies in your bot solution as needed for your scenario.
  • Yes. As a developer solution, Bot Framework provides designs that utilize Application Insights to collect service-level and conversation-level data that can help gauge the performance and efficacy of your bot. Application Insights is available for bots built directly with the Bot Framework SDK, as well as Bot Framework Composer.
  • Yes. Bot Framework uses Language Understanding (LUIS) for building custom machine-learning language models to extract information from conversational phrases and Azure Speech and Direct Line Speech for creating intuitive and extensible voice-based interaction with bots.
  • The Bot Framework SDK and Bot Framework Composer provide multilingual support for bot development for a variety of languages, with English as the default.

    The Bot Framework SDK supports multiple programming languages, including C#, JS, Python, and Java.

    Bot Framework Composer contains reusable assets in the form of JSON and Markdown files that can be bundled and packaged with a bot's source code, which can be checked into source control systems and deployed along with code updates such as dialogs, language understanding training data, and message templates.

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