
do I need Kaspersky antiransomware tool along with Kaspersky internet security?

  • 22 December 2021
  • 5 replies

I already have Kaspersky Internet security in my pc. Will using kaspersky anti ransomware tool offer extra protection against ransomware or Kaspersky Internet security is enough?


Best answer by Berny 22 December 2021, 18:30

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5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

@Ayush Achin Welcome.

Kaspersky Internet Security is protecting you against Ransomware,

a primordial recommendation however is always keeping offline backups.


Also please see this pinned Topic:


Thanks for the response. Since I’m using kaspersky I no longer can use controlled folder access of windows defender for protection against ransomware. Do I need controlled folder access if I have kaspersky Internet Security? If yes then what can I do for that?

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

@Ayush Achin You are welcome.

The Windows Defender protection has been disabled and your protection is currently managed by Kaspersky.

Since I’m using Kaspersky Internet Security. I no longer can use controlled folder access of windows defender. How can I use something like controlled folder access in Kaspersky for protection against ransomware?

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

The is no a specific Protection Folder feature in Kaspersky products, but We can try to emulate this feature via Application Control / Intrusion PreventionManage Resources


Check this link:

