
Newspack, a project of WordPress.com and the Google News Initiative, is an advanced open-source publishing and
revenue-generating platform for news organizations.

Newspack explained

Newspack is an all-in-one publishing platform that incorporates industry best practices to help small and medium-sized news organizations produce great journalism, drive audience, and generate revenue.

Newspack has an ever-growing community of newsrooms on the platform. Check out the list.

Explore Newspack’s worldwide community using our interactive map

The Newspack community spans the globe. Want to see where our publishers are based? Open up this nifty zoomable, pannable map.

Video demos

How Newspack is put together

Check out the various components that have been integrated into Newspack over the past year, from authoring tools, to ad managers, to membership and subscription features. You’ll find them on our Support page.

How Newspack is working to crack the code on local news

We believe that by hosting sites on a common platform we can begin to figure out what’s working and what’s not in various areas of economic and editorial endeavor — and then quickly make it available to other sites.

Latest news

Three big ideas on growing (small) reader revenue

Small dollar donations have become a critical source of revenue for the Southern California’s Voice of OC since it started publishing in 2010. They’ve done it by being nimble and letting donors speak to the benefits they see in contributing.

Three big ideas to make the most of reader interest

Montana Free Press has a clear mission: Produce in-depth public-service journalism that creates positive change and helps move society toward justice and equity. We look at one of their most successful projects to date, a three-part series on regenerative agriculture, that helped them achieve this goal — while also bringing in significant reader donations.

NYT: Local news outlets could reap $1.7B in Build Back Better aid

The Build Back Better legislation that passed the House Nov. 19 would provide $1.67 billion over five years for newspapers, websites, radio and TV stations that cover local news. The legislation must still make it through the Senate, where it faces stiff challenge.

More about Newspack

Newspack draws on the power of WordPress and years of industry expertise to deliver a handcrafted solution that helps small and medium-sized news sites build audience and revenue in the digital era. More than 50 sites have signed on in the first year. Check out the latest features and review our pricing and terms of service.