Regulation on data provisioning

Regulation on data provisioning

August, 28, 2016 (Current version)

AO Kaspersky Lab is the rightholder of the web-portal “CompanyAccount” to which the current Regulation applies.

It defines the procedure for obtaining and using information.

1. Definitions

1.1. HTTPS (Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure) means the protocol used to provide the security and confidentiality during the information exchange between the website and the user’s device.

1.2. The Software means software including any Updates and related materials.

1.3. Computer(s) means a combination of hardware, including personal computers, laptops, workstations, personal digital assistants, ‘smart phones’, hand-held devices, or other electronic devices, and operating system(s) (including system virtual machines) for which the Software was designed and on which the Software will be installed and/or used.

1.4. Trace files means data containing information on work of the Software or its components.

1.5. Memory dump files means the contents of system memory of the Software processes at the time of generation.

1.6. System information files means data containing information about Computer.

1.7. Rightholder (owner of all rights, whether exclusive or otherwise to the Software) means AO Kaspersky Lab, a company incorporated according to the laws of the Russian Federation.

1.8. End User (You/Your) means individuals who are legally using a copy of the Software and have access to CompanyAccount.

1.9. CompanyAccount means the Rightholder’s web-portal for providing End Users with the following:

  • management of the activation codes and key-files of the Software.
  • management of the End User’s personal data.
  • management of requests to Technical Support, Anti-Malware Research and analysis of phishing and web-content services.

2. Information provided.

In order to eliminate conflicts of the Software with the other software and/or drivers installed on Computer, eliminate the errors of the Software, You agree to provide Technical Support the data indicated in the Clauses of this Agreement.

2.1. System information files:

Information about your computer hardware and software, including operating system and service packs installed, kernel objects, drivers, services, Internet Explorer extensions, printing extensions, Windows Explorer extensions, downloaded program files, active setup elements, control panel applets, hosts file and registry records, browser and e-mail clients versions, information about ports opened and connections established at the moment of data collecting.

2.2. Trace files:

  • Information about the status of your computer's antivirus protection and data on any objects or activities suspected of being malware (e.g., detected object name, date/time of detection, names/paths and size of infected files, part or hash of IP and port of network attack, list of malware actions and potentially malicious URLs) and product and user decisions about them.

  • Information about applications downloaded by the user (URL, attributes, file size, information about process that initiated download).

  • Information about applications and their modules run by the user (size, attributes, date created, information about PE headers, region, name, location, and compression utilities used).

  • Information about errors and usage of the user interface of the Kaspersky Lab product installed on your computer.

  • Information about network connections, including IP address of remote computer and user’s computer, connection port numbers, network protocol type.

  • Information about sent and received email messages including date and time, sender and recipient address, message subject.

  • Information about URLs visited, including data about login and password in case of open connection.

2.3. Memory dump files.

Data included in memory dump files contain information about system memory of the Software processes at the time of their generation.

2.4. Other files.

Any other files generated by User without assistance of the Software which may contain any other information that the User believes could be helpful for Technical Support.

3. Information storage and transfer.

3.1. By initiating the transfer of the information, You consent that AO Kaspersky Lab will process the provided information using any means in accordance with statutory requirements, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, use, removal, and redistribution by providing the pointed information to contractor for the purpose of execution of Agreement.

3.2. The End User has the right to select one of the next means of transferring files containing information via CompanyAccount:

  • Through the secure HTTPS channel

  • Through e-mail in zip/rar/7z archive which are protected by a password received from Kaspersky Lab.

3.4. The User is responsible for monitoring and limiting access to the collected information stored on the Computer before its transfer to the AO Kaspersky Lab via CompanyAccount.

3.5. All actions of information provisioning shall be supervised by a Technical Support specialist.

4. Information protection.

4.1 Information provided is protected by Kaspersky Lab in accordance with statutory requirements. For this purpose the number of the technical and organizing measures is being constantly improved.

4.2. Obtained data will be used by Technical Support only for the purpose described in this Agreement (see Clause 2).

Information provisioning is optional.


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