Forward thinkers

Meet some IBMers

A group of IBMers with their hands in the center

Meet some IBMers

IBM’s greatest asset is the IBMer. We believe our strength lies in the diversity of our employees. IBM encourages creative pursuits and passions outside of work, because when IBMers can explore their curiosity, it gives all of us a new outlook on the world and its possibilities for emerging tech. Together, IBM can drive progress through meaningful innovation and action.


Illustrated head shots of the eight 2021 IBM Fellows

IBM Fellows

"It is my great privilege to announce the 2021 Class of IBM Fellows, an extraordinary group of scientists, engineers, and developers who have earned our company's pre-eminent technical honor. We recognize these eight new Fellows for their outstanding and sustained technical achievements and leadership in engineering, programming, services, science, and technology."

— Dario Gil, SVP and Director of IBM Research


IBMers with quantum chandelier


At IBM Research, we invent things that matter. We are a community of thinkers. We make a lasting impact on our industry and the world.

Our scientists are pioneering the future of artificial intelligence, creating breakthroughs like quantum computing that will allow us to process information in entirely new ways, defining how blockchain will reshape the enterprise, and so much more. We are driven to discover.


Portrait of Arvind Krishna


Arvind Krishna
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


Innovation and transformation


An executive woman speaks with her factory foreman

Businesses are modernizing operations with IBM

Smarter architecture with hybrid cloud

The new generation of hybrid cloud enables you to build once, deploy anywhere and manage it all from a single pane of glass. So your business can adapt and transform like never before.


Augmented reality on a mobile screen

IBM AR/VR Design Lead Reena Ganga on using design to demystify AI

The AI platform for business

Build with IBM’s suite of enterprise-ready AI services, applications and tooling. Watson can transform every part of an organization, getting more out of data so you can innovate at speed.


Consultants gather around a laptop

IBM Consulting helps businesses reimagine how they do business and turn ideas into actions

Deliver meaningful impact faster

IBM is your partner for navigating the new rules of modern business with an open, collaborative approach


A blonde woman, an asian child, and a laptop screen

Security everywhere keeps your business safe from cybercriminals

Confidence in the face of uncertainty

Intelligent enterprise security solutions and services — including intelligence analysis, advanced fraud protection and mobile security — help businesses prepare today for the cyber security threats of tomorrow


Debaters on stage with an AI construct

Project Debater shows AI’s potential to tackle real-world problems

The world is our lab

With 3,000+ researchers in 12 labs on six continents, IBM Research pioneers the most promising and disruptive technologies in hybrid cloud, AI and quantum computing

IT infrastructure

Engineers work with automated technology

With the right IT infrastructure, you can reshape the world

Building blocks of next-gen IT architecture

Flexible and secure computing, storage and OS solutions with the performance you need for on- premise IT or hybrid cloud applications

Iconic moments in IBM history

1928: The punch card and the US Census

IBM punch cards become the industry standard for the next 50 years, holding nearly all of the world’s known information and enabling large-scale projects like the US Census.

1936: Social Security, made possible by IBM

IBM works with the government on the US Social Security Act of 1935, tabulating employment records for 26 million Americans — the largest accounting project of its time.

1952: The inception of digital storage

IBM introduces the world to digital storage via magnetic tape data, marking the transition from punched-card calculators to electronic computers.

1953: The first heart and lung machine

A heart-lung machine built by IBM enables the world’s first successful open-heart surgery on a human. Millions of lives will be saved each year by this technology.

1956: AI before AI

Arthur L. Samuel programs an IBM 704 to play checkers and learn from its experience. It is considered the first demonstration of artificial intelligence.

1957: 60+ years of FORTRAN

Possibly the most influential software product in history, FORTRAN liberates computers from the exclusivity of programmers and opens them to users worldwide.

1961: The birth of speech recognition

William C. Dersch demonstrates speech recognition at the World’s Fair. The Shoebox machine converts sounds to electrical impulses, paving the way for Siri, Alexa and Watson AI.

1962: SABRE: the genesis of eCommerce

IBM and American Airlines launch the first computer-driven airline reservation system. This is the precursor for all eCommerce today, from eBay to Amazon.

1969: The first men on the moon

In an epic feat of engineering, IBM builds the computers and software for the Apollo missions, landing Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon and guiding them back to Earth.

1970: Charge it — the magnetic swipe strip

IBM’s inception of the magnetic swipe strip changes the way commercial transactions are enacted. An entirely new industry is born, revolutionizing travel and security access.

1971: The world’s first floppy disc

One of the industry’s most influential products ever, the IBM floppy disc makes storage powerful, affordable and portable. Over 5 billion units will sell.

1973: The UPC bar code

Supermarkets start scanning UPC bar codes invented by IBMer Norman Woodland. The retail industry is transformed, with UPC codes tracking everything from clothing to cows.

1980: IBM patents LASIK surgery

Using a laser so precise it can write on a human hair, IBM earns the first patent for LASIK surgery. More than 30 million people will enjoy improved vision.

1981: Introducing the IBM PC

The PC revolution begins. With the IBM Personal Computer, computing goes mainstream, beyond hobbyists and into the realm of common household commodity.

1986: Scanning tunnel microscope wins the Nobel Prize

IBM scientists win the Nobel Prize for the scanning tunnel microscope. The impact on microelectronics and nanotechnology is global.

1997: AI defeats a reigning chess champion

IBM Deep Blue supercomputer defeats the best chess player in the world. Thinking computers take a giant leap forward toward the kind of AI that we know and use today.

2011: First AI to understand fluid language

In an unprecedented demonstration of natural speech recognition and cognitive computing, IBM Watson defeats the champions of the TV quiz show Jeopardy!.

2018: The Summit of supercomputing

The Summit supercomputer, with a new computing architecture purpose-built for AI, reaches speeds of 200 petaflops, becoming the most powerful processor on the planet.

2019: IBM Q brings quantum to the masses

IBM unveils the first circuit-based commercial quantum computer, allowing users, researchers and developers to explore the potential of quantum to solve real-world problems.

2021: The world's first 2-nanometer chip

With 50 billion transistors on a fingernail-sized chip, the most dense to date, this innovation holds the potential for greener data centers and safer autonomous vehicles.

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