Top U.S. CEOs Call for Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework

Dynamic Leaders Representing Cross Section of U.S. Economy United in Support of Bipartisan Infrastructure Action

Washington, D.C. – Today, members of Build Together’s CEO Working Group released the following statement in support of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework:

Rebuilding America’s infrastructure has long represented a unique opportunity for national unity and bipartisanship. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework embodies an historic investment in the backbone of America, long overdue and critical to our global competitiveness. It makes a down payment on our climate progress and engages private capital to create durable solutions to our infrastructure challenges without hampering our post-COVID recovery. We encourage Congress and the administration to further refine and advance this legislation with bipartisan support.

Working Group members lead some of the most dynamic American companies representing a diverse cross section of our economy, including the current and former Chairmen of the Business Roundtable, the Business Council, and the Council on Competitiveness.

  • Mary Barra, General Motors

  • Ed Bastian, Delta Air Lines

  • John Donahoe, NIKE, Inc.

  • Lynn Good, Duke Energy

  • Greg Hayes, Raytheon Technologies

  • Arvind Krishna, IBM

  • Doug McMillon, Walmart

  • Brian Moynihan, Bank of America

  • David Taylor, Procter & Gamble

The effort is led by co-chairs Andrew Liveris, former Dow Chemical Chairman and CEO, and  Dennis Mehiel, former U.S. Corrugated Chairman and CEO. Both business leaders believe in  the power of our infrastructure needs to spur pragmatic leadership to the benefit of U.S. competitiveness, environmental health, and the public’s faith in their elected leaders.

“The business community and elected officials on both sides of the aisle have long recognized  the need to invest in our national infrastructure, and the positive impact this would have on our  economy for decades to come,” said Co-Chair Andrew Liveris. “This positive impact is magnified  exponentially if it can be done in a bipartisan manner. We applaud the bipartisan framework that  has been negotiated and hope to see it enacted into law with overwhelming support, a strong  symbol to the world.” 

“Renewing our national infrastructure presents a generational opportunity to build a more just  and safe nation. Doing so with bipartisan support reaffirms our national capacity to come  together with common purpose, despite political differences, to enact transformational  legislation,” said Co-Chair Dennis Mehiel. 

Build Together is a nonpartisan campaign formed in 2019 to foster bipartisan support for  infrastructure action across the country. In 2020, Build Together conducted a nationwide  listening tour amplifying voices calling for elected leaders to put politics aside and come  together to invest in our nation’s infrastructure. 

For further information, please contact Build Together’s Executive Director, Helena Schwarz ([email protected]) or visit


Helena Schwarz