Blue Yonder Empowers Global Organizations to Fulfill their Potential

More than 3,000 global organizations use Blue Yonder to power their digital supply chains. Discover how we enable our clients deliver category-defining customer experiences.

The World's Biggest Brands Partner with Blue Yonder to Transform their Operations

Every shopping experience includes a promise to deliver. We’re here to help make it happen no matter what. Fulfill your potential and meet customers where they are with Blue Yonder supply chain management and digital fulfillment solutions.

Global Industry-Leading Expertise 
and Category Defining Innovation


Global customers


New customers a year


of the Top 100 Retailers are Blue Yonder Customers


of the “Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for 2021” run Blue Yonder 

Mahindra & Mahindra Increases Revenue by 10% with Blue Yonder Inventory Optimization

Blue Yonder's Luminate Planning platform helped the Spares Business Unit at Mahindra & Mahindra Farm Equipment increase visibility to inform better demand, inventory, supply and distribution decisions. The result? A 10% increase in revenues and service levels, a 40% improvement in customer response times and a 10% growth in forecast accuracy.