Flag for Falkland Islands

Stanley, Falkland Islands — Sunrise, Sunset, and Moon Times for Today

Moon: 1.6%
Waxing Crescent
Current Time: Apr 2, 2022 at 8:15:43 am
Sunrise Today: 7:15 am 83° East
Sunset Today: 6:33 pm 277° West
Moonrise Today: 8:36 am 76° East
Moonset Today: 7:15 pm 288° West
Daylight Hours: 11 hours, 19 minutes (-3m 55s)
Location of StanleyLocation

Today's Sun Position in Stanley

Time:8:15 am
Direction:71° E

Day length today: 11h 18m 53s (Apr 2, 2022)

3 minutes, 55 seconds shorter than yesterday (Apr 1, 2022)

3 hours, 31 minutes longer than winter solstice (Jun 21, 2021)

5 hours, 21 minutes shorter than summer solstice (Dec 21, 2021)

Night, Twilight, and Daylight Times in Stanley Today

12 am
2 am
4 am
6 am
8 am
10 am
12 pm
2 pm
4 pm
6 pm
8 pm
10 pm
Night12:00 am – 5:23 am
Astro. Twilight5:23 am – 6:02 am
Nautical Twilight6:02 am – 6:41 am
Civil Twilight6:41 am – 7:15 am
Daylight7:15 am – 6:33 pm
Civil Twilight6:33 pm – 7:07 pm
Nautical Twilight7:07 pm – 7:46 pm
Astro. Twilight7:46 pm – 8:25 pm
Night8:25 pm – 11:59 pm

Sun in Stanley - Next 7 Days

Scroll right to see more
2022Sunrise/SunsetDaylengthSolar Noon
AprSunriseSunsetLengthDiff.TimeMil. mi
Apr 27:15 am6:33 pm11:18:53−3:5512:54 pm (33.2°)92.917
Apr 37:16 am6:31 pm11:14:58−3:5512:54 pm (32.9°)92.944
Apr 47:18 am6:29 pm11:11:03−3:5412:54 pm (32.5°)92.970
Apr 57:20 am6:27 pm11:07:08−3:5412:54 pm (32.1°)92.996
Apr 67:21 am6:24 pm11:03:14−3:5312:53 pm (31.7°)93.023
Apr 77:23 am6:22 pm10:59:21−3:5312:53 pm (31.3°)93.049
Apr 87:25 am6:20 pm10:55:29−3:5212:53 pm (31.0°)93.075
* All times are local time for Stanley. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar.

See full month's Sun

Today's Moon in Stanley

Year 2022 Moon Phases

Moon in Stanley - Next 7 days

Scroll right to see more
2022Moonrise/MoonsetMeridian Passing
AprMoonriseMoonsetMoonriseTimeDistance (mi)Illumination
Apr 28:36 am7:15 pm-2:02 pm(27.9°)243,4962.3%
Apr 39:51 am7:30 pm-2:46 pm(22.6°)245,9376.3%
Apr 411:06 am7:49 pm-3:32 pm(18.1°)248,11812.2%
Apr 512:19 pm8:13 pm-4:19 pm(14.5°)249,84819.4%
Apr 61:28 pm8:44 pm-5:08 pm(12.0°)250,95527.8%
Apr 72:30 pm9:26 pm-5:59 pm(10.8°)251,30436.9%
Apr 83:22 pm10:19 pm-6:49 pm(10.8°)250,81746.6%
* All times are local time for Stanley. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar. Illumination is calculated at lunar noon.

See full month's Moon

Planets Visible in the Sky in Stanley This Coming Night

 Planetrise/Planetset, Sat, Apr 2, 2022
MercurySat 7:10 amSat 6:38 pmSat 12:55 pmVery close to Sun, not visible
VenusSat 2:56 amSat 5:08 pmSat 10:02 amGreat visibility
MarsSat 2:12 amSat 5:08 pmSat 9:41 amAverage visibility
JupiterSat 5:14 amSat 6:03 pmSat 11:38 amAverage visibility
SaturnSat 2:25 amSat 5:09 pmSat 9:47 amAverage visibility
UranusSat 10:08 amSat 7:31 pmSat 2:49 pmExtremely difficult to see
NeptuneSat 5:25 amSat 6:06 pmSat 11:46 amExtremely difficult to see
* All times are local time for Stanley.

More about the planets visible in the night sky in Stanley