Meditation is great for some people but not for everyone — including author and designer Ingrid Fetell Lee. Here, she shares some alternatives that can help expand your awareness, calm your mind, and sink into the present moment.

The average human lifespan is absurdly, terrifyingly finite. If you’re lucky and you live to 80, you will have lived about 4,000 weeks. Here’s some advice to help you learn how to use that time well, from writer Oliver Burkeman.

Making small changes in our connections with people — whether it’s our nearest and dearest or strangers at the store — can yield big results. Here are some to try, from relationship researcher Carol Bruess PhD.

Maybe you have someone like this in your life … or maybe you’re the one who’s too often in a bad mood. Psychologist Guy Winch explores this common problem and shares his advice.

We asked 16 TED speakers to share their Earth-friendly gift recommendations — and here’s their green gift list.

In this special excerpt from the TED podcast Am I Normal?, data journalist Mona Chalabi turns to renowned friendship researcher Robin Dunbar to tackle this question. Can you guess what it is?

The pivotal COP26 UN climate talks in Glasgow have come to an end. So where do we stand on cutting emissions and limiting global warming? Here’s what you need to know, from climate scientists Simon Lewis PhD and Mark Maslin PhD.