MariaDB Server: The open source relational database

Create a link to a remote server and access data using CONNECT SE

In this blog we are going to see how to create a link to a remote server and use it to access multiple tables at once.In the previous blog we have seen how to establish a remote connection between Docker containers.The way we did it was to specify the connection string to reference a single table only.But what if we need more tables, what if need a whole database? …

MariaDB in 2021

At Vettabase we support various databases,and in particular we are MariaDB enthusiasts. Even more, we’re proud to be MariaDB Foundation Technology Partners. So I’m happy to write this small wrap-up about the MariaDB Foundation public activities in 2021! …

10.8 preview feature: IN, OUT, INOUT, IN OUT parameters in CREATE FUNCTION

As an Oracle compatibility syntax extension, the IN, OUT, and INOUT / IN OUT quantifiers of stored function parameters was requested in MDEV-10654. …

MariaDB 10.8.0 preview releases now available

Following up on our announcement of the new release model, first used in 10.7.0, we are pleased to announce that the MariaDB Server 10.8.0 preview releases are now available. …

Tricky Problems? MariaDB debug container

MariaDB does have bugs. Users see them sometimes. Sometimes developers look for a long time at bug reports and code and still cannot see how the situation occurred. …