OpenShift Commons

Commons builds connections and collaboration across OpenShift communities, projects and stakeholders. In doing so we'll enable the success of customers, users, partners, and contributors as we deepen our knowledge and experiences together.

Our goals go beyond code contributions. Commons is a place for companies using OpenShift to accelerate its success and adoption. To do this we'll act as resources for each other, share best practices and provide a forum for peer-to-peer communication.

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Find Your Commonality

Being a part of an inclusive, open, and inviting community such as Commons means that you're part of the conversation. Our Special Interest Groups (SIG) are designed so that you can find everything you need in one place around a central topic.


Discuss, develop and disseminate DevSecOps solutions and best practices.

Machine Learning on OpenShift

Discuss, develop and disseminate best practices for deploying and Machine Learning applications and workloads on OpenShift

OpenShift .EDU

Discuss, develop and disseminate best practices for administrating, managing and operating OpenShift in .EDU setting

OpenShift Image Builders

Discuss, develop and disseminate best practices for building and maintaining Images for use with OpenShift

OpenShift Energy

Discuss, develop and disseminate best practices to support energy companies as they modernize their IT infrastructures on OpenShift

OpenShift on IBM Cloud

Discuss, develop and disseminate best practices for developing and deploying Applications on OpenShift on IBM CLoud at scale.

OpenShift on OpenStack

Discuss, develop and disseminate best practices for deploying and managing OpenShift on OpenStack

OpenShift .GOV

Discuss, develop and disseminate best practices for deploying and managing OpenShift in .GOV

OpenShift in Automotive

Discuss, develop and disseminate best practices for deploying and managing OpenShift in Automotive Industry

Mobile on OpenShift

Discuss, develop and disseminate best practices for deploying and managing Mobile applications on OpenShift

Operator Framework

The Operator Framework is an open source toolkit to manage Kubernetes native applications, called Operators, in an effective, automated, and scalable way. This SIG will discuss, develop and disseminate best practices for building and managing Operators.

Become a part of something bigger

OpenShift Commons is open to all community participants: users, operators, enterprises, non-profits, educational institutions, partners, and service providers as well as other open source technology initiatives utilized under the hood or to extend the OpenShift platform.

  • If you are an OpenShift Online or an OpenShift Enterprise customer or have deployed OpenShift on premise or on a public cloud.
  • If you have contributed to the OpenShift Origin project and want to connect with your peers and end users.
  • If you simply want to stay up-to-date on the roadmap and best practices for using, deploying and operating OpenShift.

Then OpenShift Commons is the right place for you.