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ACME-client for Tarantool

Information Security *Lua *Tarantool *

Link to GitHub. More details about the operation of the algorithm and the module can be found here.

The ACME protocol client is used to automatically obtain a security certificate for your site. Basically everyone uses Let's Encrypt to get a free certificate and auto-renewal. But there are other services, such as Zero SSL. It also supports the ACME protocol.

I relied on two articles from Habr (this and this), as well as RFC8555. But the information in them was not enough to implement their own version of the modulation. At least several times higher than several implementations of the module [at another level]. The tests were conducted on a live service, so there are no autotests yet. You can write and init pull request.

The module is written under Linux. Only the second version of the protocol is considered.

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Let’s deal with WeChat — the second most popular messenger in the world

Bringo Group Ltd corporate blog Information Security *Cryptography *Assembler *Reverse engineering *

  • A short excursion into WeChat;
  • About the platform, the version of the application, the utilities used and the decryption of the executable file;
  • • About two protocols (old one and new one);
  • About serialization of objects;
  • Used cryptography and key exchange;
  • About headers and hash-functions;
  • About the exposures found.

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Kernel Queue: The Complete Guide On The Most Essential Technology For High-Performance I/O

High performance *System Programming *C *Development for Linux *

When talking about high-performance software we probably think of server software (such as nginx) which processes millions requests from thousands clients in parallel. Surely, what makes server software work so fast is high-end CPU running with huge amount of memory and a very fast network link. But even then, the software must utilize these hardware resources at maximum efficiency level, otherwise it will end up wasting the most of the valuable CPU power for unnecessary kernel-user context switching or while waiting for slow I/O operations to complete.

Thankfully, the Operating Systems have a solution to this problem, and it's called kernel event queue. Server software and OS kernel use this mechanism together to achieve minimum latency and maximum scalability (when serving a very large number of clients in parallel). In this article we are going to talk about FreeBSD, macOS and kqueue, Linux and epoll, Windows and I/O Completion Ports. They all have their similarities and differences which we're going to discuss here. The goal of this article is for you to understand the whole mechanism behind kernel queues and to understand how to work with each API.

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Metauniverses are here – you just have to know where to look. One of Sber AR/VR Lab projects of 2021

Сбер corporate blog Development for AR and VR *AR and VR

Hi! I am Aleksey Rybakov, Product Owner at Sber ARVR Lab. 

And before telling you what we have achieved, let me explain the meaning of this article’s heading. Or more so, explain the word “metauniverse”. This term was well-described by Mark Zuckerburg: “Metauniverse is internet implemented, where instead of looking at internet, you are inside of it.” Like a parallel universe, which you can enter yourself with AR/VR gadgets or through a 3D-avatar.

In other words, a metauniverse is simultaneously a virtual space and a way of engaging with its objects without the common “screen + keybord/mouse/sensor” medium. 

And yes, metauniverses are here. But to get into one, you’ll need a few things. First, you need to know where to look. We will talk about that later when depicting a curious case in Moscow. Second, you need a technology that will help connect the virtual world with the real one. We will talk about that as well. 

Now, let me introduce: VPS.

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PVS-Studio checks the code of Flipper Zero dolphin

PVS-Studio corporate blog Open source *C++ *C *Programming microcontrollers *

Flipper Zero + PVS-Studio

Flipper Zero is an open-source multi-tool for geeks and penetration testers. It so happened that the Flipper Zero project and the PVS-Studio analyzer crossed paths. A philosophical question: should we check the project, if the project developers have already started fixing errors? Let's try to do this.

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API security design best practices for enterprise and public cloud

Information Security *API *

Application Programming Interfaces or API’s are responsible for majority of system integration and functional components of modern computing landscape in both consumer and enterprise environments.

Properly constructed secure API’s provide significant benefits during initial build, integration with other systems and during entire application lifecycle while protecting sensitive information stored in business systems.

Based on author's experience designing and implementing API’s for variety of clients in financial, insurance, telecom and public sectors, security is often overlooked in favor of simplistic, vendor/product specific solutions.

This article addresses best practices for API security design in product neutral manner to help architects to plan and build easy to work with and secure API's.

Recommended approach is to separate API security from its business functionality and allow back-end developers to concentrate only on business functions. Once business logic for an API is ready, it can be published using common security components described in this article.

This article does not provide any product specific recommendations, but any modern API security/governance platform will be able to satisfy majority of suggested requirements using out-of-the-box functionality.

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Making economic RTS with React and Babylon. Part 1

Game development *WebGL *ReactJS *

When I was much younger, I used to play a lot. My number one preference was Knights & Merchants. While all my friends liked battle scenes most, I was fond of economical aspects of this game. For me it was always cool to look after the villagers who run their own business, become hungry sometimes and work together in the name of their country’s welfare. Recently I bought it in Steam store and thought that I could even do a webmake of this game.

As a first step of this dangerous journey it would be cool to take one of the core mechanics and try to re-implement it with the tools I’m already comfortable with: React and WebGL. It’s also a great possibility to test drive Babylon.js, which is in my to-do list.

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Enhancing security of containers in Linux

Huawei corporate blog Configuring Linux *Open source *Cloud services Kubernetes *

In any history textbooks, the modern time has already been called the time of the next change of the industrial structure or the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). The main role, in this case, is given to information and IT systems. In an attempt to reduce the cost of IT infrastructure, unify and accelerate the process of developing IT solutions, humanity first invented "clouds" in order to replace traditional data centers, and then containers to replace virtual machines.

Clearly, containers appear more vulnerable from a security point of view. What are the advantages of containerization over virtualization? In fact, there are quite a lot of them:

the possibility of more flexible use of available resources (no need to backup them as in the case of virtual machines);

the ability to save resources (no need to spend them on many copies of the OS for each virtual machine);

no delays at startup (just start of the process is almost instantaneous compared to the time needed to load the virtual machine);

 the interaction between processes, even if isolated, is much easier to implement when needed than between virtual machines. That is how, by the way, came the concept of microservices, which has recently become very popular.

All of the above led to the very rapid development of container technologies, despite the recurring problems with the security of already deployed container cloud systems, their hacks, and data leaks. Accordingly, the work on strengthening container security is also continuing. This is what will be discussed further in this article.

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