PHP 8.1.2 Released!
PHP 8.1 is a major update of the PHP language.
It contains many new features, including enums, readonly properties, first-class callable syntax, fibers, intersection types, performance improvements and more.

Enumerations RFC Doc

PHP < 8.1
class Status
DRAFT = 'draft';
PUBLISHED = 'published';
ARCHIVED = 'archived';
acceptStatus(string $status) {...}
PHP 8.1
enum Status
acceptStatus(Status $status) {...}
Use enum instead of a set of constants and get validation out of the box.

Readonly Properties RFC Doc

PHP < 8.1
class BlogData
Status $status;
    public function
__construct(Status $status)
$this->status = $status;
    public function
getStatus(): Status
PHP 8.1
class BlogData
readonly Status $status;
    public function
__construct(Status $status)
$this->status = $status;

Readonly properties cannot be changed after initialization, i.e. after a value is assigned to them.
They are a great way to model value objects and data-transfer objects.

First-class Callable Syntax RFC Doc

PHP < 8.1
$foo = [$this, 'foo'];

$fn = Closure::fromCallable('strlen');
PHP 8.1
$foo = $this->foo(...);

$fn = strlen(...);

It is now possible to get a reference to any function – this is called first-class callable syntax.

New in initializers RFC

PHP < 8.1
class Service
Logger $logger;

    public function
Logger $logger = null,
    ) {
$this->logger = $logger ?? new NullLogger();
PHP 8.1
class Service
Logger $logger;
    public function
Logger $logger = new NullLogger(),
    ) {
$this->logger = $logger;

Objects can now be used as default parameter values, static variables, and global constants, as well as in attribute arguments.

This effectively makes it possible to use nested attributes.

PHP < 8.1
class User
     * @Assert\All({
     *     @Assert\NotNull,
     *     @Assert\Length(min=5)
     * })
public string $name = '';
PHP 8.1
class User
new \Assert\NotNull,
        new \
Assert\Length(min: 6))
string $name = '';

Pure Intersection Types RFC Doc

PHP < 8.1
function count_and_iterate(Iterator $value) {
    if (!(
$value instanceof Countable)) {
        throw new
TypeError('value must be Countable');

    foreach (
$value as $val) {

PHP 8.1
function count_and_iterate(Iterator&Countable $value) {
    foreach (
$value as $val) {


Use intersection types when a value needs to satisfy multiple type constraints at the same time.

It is not currently possible to mix intersection and union types together such as A&B;|C.

Never return type RFC Doc

PHP < 8.1
function redirect(string $uri) {
header('Location: ' . $uri);

redirectToLoginPage() {
'Hello'; // <- dead code
PHP 8.1
function redirect(string $uri): never {
header('Location: ' . $uri);

redirectToLoginPage(): never {
'Hello'; // <- dead code detected by static analysis

A function or method declared with the never type indicates that it will not return a value and will either throw an exception or end the script’s execution with a call of die(), exit(), trigger_error(), or something similar.

Final class constants RFC Doc

PHP < 8.1
class Foo
    public const
XX = "foo";

Bar extends Foo
    public const
XX = "bar"; // No error
PHP 8.1
class Foo
    final public const
XX = "foo";

Bar extends Foo
    public const
XX = "bar"; // Fatal error

It is possible to declare final class constants, so that they cannot be overridden in child classes.

Explicit Octal numeral notation RFC Doc

PHP < 8.1
016 === 16; // false because `016` is octal for `14` and it's confusing
016 === 14; // true
PHP 8.1
0o16 === 16; // false — not confusing with explicit notation
0o16 === 14; // true

It is now possible to write octal numbers with the explicit 0o prefix.

Fibers RFC Doc

PHP < 8.1
then(function (Response $response) {
then(function (string $responseBody) {
PHP 8.1
$response = $httpClient->request('');

Fibers are primitives for implementing lightweight cooperative concurrency. They are a means of creating code blocks that can be paused and resumed like Generators, but from anywhere in the stack. Fibers themselves don't magically provide concurrency, there still needs to be an event loop. However, they allow blocking and non-blocking implementations to share the same API.

Fibers allow getting rid of the boilerplate code previously seen with Promise::then() or Generator based coroutines. Libraries will generally build further abstractions around Fibers, so there's no need to interact with them directly.

Array unpacking support for string-keyed arrays RFC Doc

PHP < 8.1
$arrayA = ['a' => 1];
$arrayB = ['b' => 2];

$result = array_merge(['a' => 0], $arrayA, $arrayB);

// ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]
PHP 8.1
$arrayA = ['a' => 1];
$arrayB = ['b' => 2];

$result = ['a' => 0, ...$arrayA, ...$arrayB];

// ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]

PHP supported unpacking inside arrays through the spread operator before, but only if the arrays had integer keys. Now it is possible to unpack arrays with string keys too.

Performance Improvements

Symfony Demo App request time
25 consecutive runs, 250 requests (sec)
(less is better)

The result (relative to PHP 8.0):

  • 23.0% Symfony Demo speedup
  • 3.5% WordPress speedup

Performance related features in PHP 8.1:

  • JIT backend for ARM64 (AArch64)
  • Inheritance cache (avoid relinking classes in each request)
  • Fast class name resolution (avoid lowercasing and hash lookup)
  • timelib and ext/date performance improvements
  • SPL file-system iterators improvements
  • serialize/unserialize optimizations
  • Some internal functions optimization (get_declared_classes(), explode(), strtr(), strnatcmp(), dechex())
  • JIT improvements and fixes

New Classes, Interfaces, and Functions

  • New #[ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute.
  • New fsync and fdatasync functions.
  • New array_is_list function.
  • New Sodium XChaCha20 functions.

Deprecations and backward compatibility breaks

  • Passing null to non-nullable internal function parameters is deprecated.
  • Tentative return types in PHP built-in class methods
  • Serializable interface deprecated.
  • HTML entity en/decode functions process single quotes and substitute by default.
  • $GLOBALS variable restrictions.
  • MySQLi: Default error mode set to exceptions.
  • Implicit incompatible float to int conversion is deprecated.
  • finfo Extension: file_info resources migrated to existing finfo objects.
  • IMAP: imap resources migrated to IMAP\Connection class objects.
  • FTP Extension: Connection resources migrated to FTP\Connection class objects.
  • GD Extension: Font identifiers migrated to GdFont class objects.
  • LDAP: resources migrated to LDAP\Connection, LDAP\Result, and LDAP\ResultEntry objects.
  • PostgreSQL: resources migrated to PgSql\Connection, PgSql\Result, and PgSql\Lob objects.
  • Pspell: pspell, pspell config resources migrated to PSpell\Dictionary, PSpell\Config class objects.
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