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Obama: Abolish Workplace Child Care FSAs

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics put out an article earlier this month saying dependent care reimbursement accounts, aka child care flexible spending accounts, are “valuable benefits for workers and employers.” Then came the news that President Barack Obama would like to eliminate them in the fact sheet the White House put out to accompany the State of the Union speech.

So which is it? Are dependent care FSAs good or evil? Even employers take different sides. “Some employers think, the more of these complicated things we have to do the less I like it; others say, if it’s a benefit for employees that make it a more attractive place to work, we want to offer it,” says Terry Briggs, an employee benefits lawyer with Bowditch & Dewey in Worcester, Mass.

A quick recap of how the accounts work. If your employer offers a dependent care flexible spending account, you put money in the account each pay period pre-tax (you don’t pay income taxes on it, that’s the tax benefit) and withdraw it for child care expenses you incur that calendar year. The higher your tax rate, the bigger your tax break, although the max you can contribute is $5,000 a year.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics article, Access to dependent care reimbursement accounts and workplace funded childcare, found that 54% of state and local government workers and 36% of private industry workers had access to these accounts. Nearly two-thirds of higher wage earners (those earning an average wage in the 76th to 100th percentile) and those management or professional jobs had access to child care FSAs while less than a fifth of lower wage earners and those in service jobs did.

Separately, there’s a dependent care tax credit. In some ways, it’s a duplicative tax break. The age cut off is the same: when your child turns 13. And the same expenses count: daycare, summer camp (not sleepaway), before and after school programs and even babysitters. But the expenses limit is higher. So you could have a $5,000 child care FSA and count another $1,000 of child care expenses towards the tax credit. That’s because the dependent care tax credit is good for 20% of expenses up to $6,000 for two or more kids ($3,000 for one). You report this on IRS Form 2441. IRS Publication 503 (Child and Dependent Care Expenses) lays this all out. The feds even put out a worksheet to help federal employees determine which break, or combination of breaks, gets them the most money off.

Under current law, families with income of $43,000 or less qualify for up to a 35 percent credit, but as Elaine Maag of the Tax Policy Center points out low income families typically don’t owe taxes so they get no benefit from the credit. She has argued for a refundable credit or direct subsidies to benefit low income workers—and she argues that Obama’s idea to end child care FSAs has merit in a TAXVOX article here.

The White House plan increases the top credit rate, increases allowable expenses, and the credit phase out starts at much higher incomes ($178,000 for care for a child under 5, and $148,000 for care for a child 5 to 12), so middle class families get a bigger break. Higher income families would end up paying for it.

Just how expensive is child care anyway? The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services considers 10 percent of family income for child care as a benchmark for affordable care, yet depending on the state, the average cost of full-time care for one infant in a center ranges from seven percent to 16 percent of the state median income for a married couple, and in every state, the average cost of center-based infant care exceeds 23 percent of median income for single parents, according to ChildCare Aware’s Parents and the High Cost of Child Care: 2014 Report.

Here’s another idea to throw into the mix: Senator David Vitter (R-La.) has introduced a bill to establish dependent care savings accounts; they would work like a 529 college savings plan for child care expenses, giving everyone the incentive to save on a tax-free basis. Don’t count on those anytime soon—the White House wants to eliminate 529 plans too. Bottom line: If you’re planning to have kids, start planning to pay for it.