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Concrete Lifting

The stability and consistency of the concrete around your home is an important factor to it's overall aesthetic and wellbeing. Here's what you should know about the concrete lifting options for your home.

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Concrete Lifting: What Are the Most Common Concrete Problems?

Concrete lifting is one of those things that all homeowners should know about, but unfortunately, many homeowners just don’t. As a homeowner, you should understand how concrete lifting can help your home. Whether you’re using it to alleviate potential foundation issues or you’re just making the home look more beautiful, concrete lifting is one of the best things to keep in mind when you’re looking for tools to benefit your home. Here’s what you need to know about concrete lifting in and around your home.

These are the most common areas of your property where you will notice problems with your concrete and is by no means a full list. You may also notice some other issues with the concrete slabs in around your home, as well.

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Concrete Problem Signs

There are several warning signs that can indicate you need to lift an element of the concrete. Even if you’re not very well versed in concrete sinking or lifting, these warning signs tend to be relatively easy for just about anyone to watch out for.

  • Cracks
Straight crack in concrete

Cracks in your concrete are probably the most obvious sign that you’re having problems. When you have cracks in your concrete, it’s almost always because the concrete has too much weight that it’s trying to support. It’s important to note that concrete cracks can come from a variety of sources. 

  • Uneven Settling
Cracked sidewalk

Does it seem like one side of the concrete is lower than the other? This is a very common problem, but it’s one that indicates an issue underneath the concrete. The issue in question specifically revolves around the fact that one side of the concrete doesn’t have enough support, so its weight is pulling down on the soil underneath it. Most of the time, this underlying soil is part of if not the root cause of the problem. 

  • Water Pooling in the Concrete
closeup of driveway crack

As soon as there’s a crack that goes all the way through the concrete, you’re going to have water problems. Because the soil naturally has water in it, it’s possible for that crack in the concrete to push water up through the concrete, causing a pool of water in it.

Understanding the reason behind sinking concrete

There are many reasons concrete may sink. For example, you might end up with sinking concrete due to erosion from water, issues with the soil underneath the concrete, problems with the original pouring process, or because you have too much weight on one side of the concrete.

This means that there’s no single reason for concrete sinking, which also means there’s no single method of concrete lifting. The only way to know why your concrete is sinking is to get an expert in. They can let you know what’s going on underneath your concrete.

Concrete Lifting Solutions

Concrete Lifting Solutions

What are the best solutions for concrete cracking and settling? As you may have expected, it depends substantially on where the problem is and what’s happening exactly. Concrete settling solutions may look different depending on the actual problem you’re trying to tackle. 

The traditional method of repairing cracking and sinking concrete has been a process called mudjacking. This method involves drilling soda can-sized holes into the concrete, pumping a heavy concrete slurry mix under the slab until it hardens enough to lift the slab back up, and then waiting for the mix to cure. This process is invasive, time-consuming, and expensive.

However, a better alternative to concrete lifting is investing in polyurethane injections. The process is similar to mudjacking, but much more effective. Small, penny-sized holes are drilled into the concrete and polyurethane foam is injected underneath the slab. This foam is light but durable, waterproof, eco-friendly, and cures faster than the heavy concrete mix involved in mudjacking. Once the foam fills the void under the slab, the concrete will be effectively lifted back towards its original level position. You can even walk or drive on the newly repaired concrete within 15 minutes after the polyurethane foam has been installed!

Concrete Lifting FAQs

If you’re like many homeowners, your immediate thought may be that you should just repour the concrete. After all, a brand-new concrete slab will probably be stronger and more effective than trying to fix the existing concrete slab, right?

The truth is that pouring a new concrete slab is time-consuming, difficult, and wasteful. Fixing the slab with concrete lifting will be much more effective because it takes less time, isn’t as expensive, and doesn’t require as much hands-on effort to accomplish. If you can fix your concrete slab early, you don’t have to repour it.

Lifting concrete is a complicated process and it’s important to remember that you need to think about all elements of the concrete, not just the initial lift. This is exactly why you can’t rely on DIY solutions for your concrete lifting. Relying on DIY solutions is almost always a huge problem.

When you’re looking for better concrete lifting solutions, regardless of where the sunken or fallen concrete is, you need to talk to an expert to have someone assess the problem. An expert will be able to help you understand your options and fix your sunken or cracking concrete.

When you’re looking into lifting concrete, there are going to be a few different options for repair, and polyurethane foam injections are going to be one of the best ways to accomplish this. That’s because it’s a mix of different elements that, when combined, expand to substantially more than their initial mass, then harden very quickly.

At their core, polyurethane foam injections work well because they don’t need a lot of time to set but they’ll still maintain a lot of weight. You don’t have to worry about whether they’re “as effective” as more invasive options like slabjacking or mudjacking. They’re at least this effective, and in many cases, they’re more effective.

Lift Your Concrete Back to Normal with the Help of a Groundworks Expert

Concrete lifting is nothing if not complicated, but it doesn’t have to be as complicated as you might think. Lifting your concrete back to normal is a fairly simple process as long as you have an expert who knows what they’re doing. With the help of an expert, you can maintain your concrete and ensure it stays healthy for as long as possible.

It’s important to remember that lifting your concrete back to normal is a process that requires precision. That’s why you’re not able to buy polyurethane foam injections off the shelf. If you have a problem with your concrete that you think polyurethane foam injections would be able to help, get in touch with a local expert. They’ll be able to evaluate your property’s concrete and help you figure out the right repair solution.

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