• About California Community Colleges

    The California Community Colleges will provide you with life-changing opportunities and a clear path to your goals.

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  • Board of Governors

    The California Community Colleges is guided by a process of shared governance, and the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges sets policy and provides guidance.

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  • Vision for Success

    Our vision is to the point: making sure you succeed in reaching your goals. Our blueprint in realizing that vision includes Innovation, Guided Pathways, and the Vision for Success.

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  • Chancellor’s Office

    Guiding your success at the California Community Colleges is California Community Colleges Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley, who serves as the CEO of the Board of Governors.

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  • Consultation Council

    The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges is dedicated to ensuring representatives from all levels of the community college system have a voice on policy decisions.

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  • Divisions

    Organization is everything. The Chancellor’s Office includes nine divisions, each led by vice chancellors who manage policy and supervise employees.

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  • Key Facts

    Student Success: seven out of ten of California’s nurses receive their training at a California community college, as well as eight out of ten police officers, firefighters and EMTs.

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  • News & Media

    Stay informed about the California Community Colleges through our Office of Communications and our News and Media library. Learn about the latest developments, and get the key facts.

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  • Reports

    The 2019 State of the System report details the goals outlined in the system’s Vision for Success and shows modest improvement in students success.

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  • State of the System

    As the largest system of higher education in the nation, the California Community Colleges is positioned to help residents of all backgrounds improve their social and economic mobility.

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