News and events

AYY live

At AYY live, you can follow the Representative Council meetings, among other things.

8.12. at 17.15 Meeting of the Representative Council 8/2021

Upcoming broadcasts

The representative council's meeting times in spring 2022:

AYYE 3/2022 to 17.2. at 5.15pm

AYYE 4/2022 to 24.3. at 5.15pm

AYYE 5/2022 ke 20.4. at 5.15pm

AYYE 6/2022 ti 24.5. at 5.15pm

Meeting agendas and documents can be found here.  


Previous broadcasts

These and older broadcasts can all be found on AYY’s YouTube channel Student Union AYY.

1.12 at 17.15 Meeting of the Representative Council 2/2022

22.11. at 17 Panel discussion for AYY's board candidates

 18.11. at 17.15 Meeting of the Representative Council 7/2021

11.11. at 17.15 Meeting of the Representative Council  1/2022

9.11. at 18 Panel discussion for applicants to the Former of the Board and the Chair of the Representative Council

3 Nov at 18 Representative Council election night event

28 Oct Representative Council election panel (in Finnish)

Meeting of the Representative Council 4/2021 on 27 May at 17.15

Meeting of the Representative Council 3/2021 on 21 April at 17.15 

Meeting of the Representative Council 2/2021 on 18 March at 17.15 

Meeting of the Representative Council 1/2021 on 18.2.2021

December 13th at 6pm Acknowledgement Announcements, link

December 15th AYY representative council meeting 13/2020

November 26th AYY representative council meeting 12/2020 was unfortunately not streamed in English . The Finnish broadcast is available here

November 5th AYY representative council meeting 11/2020

October 15th AYY representative council meeting 10/2020

September 25th AYY representative council meeting 9/2020

August 24th AYY representative council meeting 8/2020

June 10th AYY representative council meeting 7/2020

May 20th AYY representative council meeting 6/2020 (in Finnish)

April 16th AYY representative council meeting 5/2020 (in Finnish)

March 19th AYY representative council meeting 4/2020

February 20th AYY representative council meeting 3/2020

November 28th AYY representative council meeting 2/2020

November 12th AYY representative council meeting 1/2020

Edustajisto kokoustaa

Representative Council

The Representative Council represents all members of the Student Union and exercises the highest authority at AYY.

AYY as an Organisation

”I should not ask you to save democracy, but that would be nice” – Results of AYY’s Representative Council elections bring changes to group seats

Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunnan vuoden 2019 edustajistovaalit järjestettiin 28.10.-5.11. Vaaleilla valittiin 45-henkinen edustajisto, joka käyttää ylioppilaskunnassa ylintä päätösvaltaa. Edustajistovaalien voittajiin kuuluu Vihreämpi Aalto -ryhmä, joka kolminkertaisti paikkamääränsä edellisiin vaaleihin nähden. Myös Pro Arte ja Kylterirengas nostivat kummatkin paikkamääräänsä yhdellä.

”I should not ask you to save democracy, but that would be nice” – Results of AYY’s Representative Council elections bring changes to group seats

Minutes and agendas (external link)

Minutes and agendas of Board and Representative Council meetings.

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