Christopher Mims

Christopher Mims

Technology columnist, The Wall Street Journal

Christopher Mims writes Keywords, a weekly column on technology. Before joining the Journal in 2014, he was the lead technology reporter for Quartz and has written on science and tech for publications ranging from Technology Review, Smithsonian, Wired, the Atlantic, Slate and other publications. Mims, who has degree in neuroscience and behavioral biology from Emory University, lives in Baltimore.

Latest Articles

Personal Technology: Review

Our tech columnists look ahead to electric cars that don’t break the bank, earbuds that gauge your health, a fix for social media’s harms, package deliveries from above and more

December 27, 2021

Keywords: Christopher Mims

Cash-strapped U.S. cities are turning to drones, artificial intelligence and other innovations to help inspect and fix the country’s aging, underground arteries of waste

November 13, 2021


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