Opinion: Foreign Edition

Opinion: Foreign Edition

Our columnists from the award-winning opinion pages at The Wall Street Journal examine world news and foreign affairs twice a week. Get the information you need to understand the changing world, and its impact on U.S. and national interests. Published several times weekly.


10/29/2018 12:34:06 PM

Brazil's Electoral Upset; Germany's Changing Leadership

Joseph C. Sternberg and Mary Anastasia O'Grady discuss Brazilian voters' revolt against corruption and Angela Merkel's political decline. Read transcript

10/25/2018 4:31:50 PM

Saudi Arabia's Many Tall Tales; Global Economy Jitters

Joseph C. Sternberg and Hugo Restall discuss Riyadh's inability to get its story straight on Jamal Khashoggi's murder and turmoil in global financial markets. Read transcript

10/16/2018 10:58:33 AM

Bavarians Revolt; Beijing Represses

Joseph C. Sternberg and Hugo Restall discuss Bavarian voters' rebuke to Angela Merkel and Beijing's repression of its Muslim minority. Read transcript

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Editorial Board Member, The Wall Street Journal


Mary Kissel is a member of the editorial board of The Wall Street Journal. She contributes to the Journal’s opinion pages and hosts "Foreign Edition,” the editorial page’s foreign-policy podcast. Ms. Kissel joined the Journal in Hong Kong in 2004 as a financial columnist and served as Asia opinion editor from 2005 to 2010. Previously, she worked at Goldman Sachs in New York and London. Ms. Kissel is a Fox News contributor and a weekly co-host of the John Batchelor Show, a nationally syndicated radio talk show. She is a graduate of Harvard College and the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.


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