Tech News Briefing

Tech News Briefing

Tech News Briefing is your guide to what people in tech are talking about. Every weekday, we’ll bring you breaking tech news and scoops from the pros at the Wall Street Journal, insight into new innovations and policy debates, tips from our personal tech team, and exclusive interviews with movers and shakers in the industry.


1/17/2022 1:53:00 PM

China’s Tech Sector Attracts Record Investment Despite Crackdown

China cracked down on its biggest tech companies last year, but that didn't stop investors from pouring record amounts of funding into the nation’s tech sector. Tech reporter Liza Lin joins host Zoe Thomas to discuss which kinds of startups benefited the most, and what it tells us about Beijing’s long-term goals.Read transcript

1/13/2022 8:03:00 PM

How Some TikTok Stars Out-Earn Top CEOs

The highest-earning TikTok star made more last year than the average CEO of an S&P 500 company. WSJ reporter Joseph Pisani joins host Julie Chang to explain how those influencers are raking in the bucks and how big brands are looking to incorporate them into their business strategies.Read transcript

1/12/2022 6:59:00 PM

What Apple’s Texting App Tells Us About Its Strategy to Attract Users

The must-have social network for teens is… iMessage? Apple has created an ecosystem on its iPhone that attracts more than 70% of young smartphone users in the U.S. WSJ reporter Tim Higgins joins host Zoe Thomas to discuss Apple’s strategy in reaching this point, and why competitors and lawmakers aren’t too happy about it.Read transcript

1/11/2022 6:51:00 PM

Tech Giants Battle for Metaverse Workers

Big tech companies have set their sights on building the metaverse as the next digital realm for work, play and shopping. But first they have to build it, and that is leading to intense competition for the top tech talent. Tech reporter Aaron Tilley joins host Zoe Thomas to discuss.Read transcript

1/10/2022 7:20:00 PM

Tech to Locate Any Object, Unlock Car Doors, and Eliminate Passwords

Location technology is getting better and better … and ultra-wideband could soon make it easier to unlock doors, turn on smart devices and even limit the need for passwords. But first the companies developing this technology need to get over privacy hurdles. WSJ Tech Columnist Christopher Mims speaks with Tech News Briefing’s Julie Chang about how UWB could reshape how we interact with our devices. Zoe Thomas hosts.Read transcript

1/9/2022 5:05:00 PM

How Trump’s Social Media Ban Impacted Him, Platforms

January 8th marked one year since Twitter permanently banned former president Donald Trump from its platform. Other social media companies soon followed suit. WSJ tech reporter Georgia Wells joins host Julie Chang for a look back at the past year and explains how the companies and even Trump benefited from the ban.Read transcript

1/6/2022 7:14:00 PM

The US Military's Battle Against Hobby Drones (Armed With Explosives)

The U.S. military’s newest and most-concerning tactical threat is cheap hobby drones rigged with explosives. WSJ’s Middle East correspondent Stephen Kalin joins host Julie Chang to explain why fighting back against the aerial gadgets has become a big battlefield problem, mostly in the Middle East, and a seemingly never ending cat-and-mouse game for troops.Read transcript

1/6/2022 3:00:00 AM

EVs Take Center Stage at CES Tech Show

General Motors, Chrysler and electronics giant Sony unveiled their visions for the future of electric cars at the tech conference CES. WSJ reporter Mike Colias joins host Zoe Thomas to discuss the designs, why more tech companies are eying the auto industry and what it means for the broader EV market.Read transcript

1/5/2022 3:00:00 AM

CES Kicks Off With Robot Tables, Smart Remotes And Self-Driving Boats

The annual consumer tech trade show CES opens to the public in Las Vegas on Wednesday. For decades, the event has been the place to reveal devices that may one day become staples in homes and offices. WSJ Personal Tech News Editor Shara Tibken joins host Zoe Thomas to discuss the most exciting trends and gadgets being revealed at this year's event. Read transcript

1/4/2022 3:00:00 AM

Theranos Founder Holmes Found Guilty on Four Counts in Fraud Trial

In a mixed verdict, Elizabeth Holmes, founder of defunct blood testing startup Theranos, has been found guilty of four of the 11 fraud and conspiracy charges against her. The verdict caps a remarkable fall for a darling of Silicon Valley investors. WSJ Reporter Sara Randazzo joins host Zoe Thomas to discuss what the verdict means for Holmes and the tech sector. Read transcript

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Host and Producer, WSJ Tech News Briefing, The Wall Street Journal


Zoe Thomas is the host of Tech News Briefing. Before joining The Wall Street Journal, she was a producer and reporter for BBC News. Zoe has covered business, economics and technology stories across North and South America and Asia. She has been based out of bureaus in San Francisco, Mumbai and her hometown of New York. When not at work, you can often find her searching for new culinary delights or food trends to test out.


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