La Palma volcano eruption update: activity intensifies again

Tue, 16 Nov 2021, 19:53
19:53 PM | BY: T
View of the eruption on La Palma this evening from the port of Tazacorte (image: TAD server, EU Commission)
View of the eruption on La Palma this evening from the port of Tazacorte (image: TAD server, EU Commission)
Seismic recording of TBT station today (image: IGN)
Seismic recording of TBT station today (image: IGN)
Weak lava fountaining this afternoon (image: Canarias TV live stream)
Weak lava fountaining this afternoon (image: Canarias TV live stream)
Volcanic tremor amplitude past 7 days (image: IGN)
Volcanic tremor amplitude past 7 days (image: IGN)
The eruption has intensified today compared to the previous days. Periods of small lava fountaining and moderate ash emissions were seen at the summit vents today.
In the morning, the ash plume rose to 8,000 ft (2.4 km) altitude and drifted to the east coast, forcing the airport to temporarily close its operations.
Lava effusion remains stable and at least 3 lava flows are active at the growing lava delta, where the new addition at the Los Guirres beach has now merged with the previous one. Its size is currently around 40 hectares - new land extending the coast line of the island.
Volcanic tremor intensity has increased a bit, which suggests that magma flow rates also have increased. This again matches with the visible increase of activity today.
Ground deformation remains more or less stable with no clear trend. Earthquakes continue at similar frequency and sizes as in the past days. During the past 24 hours, there was only quake of magnitude 4.2, along with 9 quakes between 3.0 and 3.9, and 40 quakes between 2.0 and 2.9.
The only reliable conclusion that can be made is that the eruption seems far from over.

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