External Assessment

The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation annually assess the observance of the budget and financial discipline by FAS Russia.

In 2020, FAS Russia became the only agency that received the highest rating in the "Open Dialogue" according to the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. FAS Russia scored 15 points out of 17, while the average score for other services, agencies and departments was only 6.4 points and the average score of 21 ministries was 8.5 points.

FAS Russia’s performance assessment is annually conducted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly (Lower Chamber of the Parliament) and the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly (Upper Chamber of the Parliament). Within the framework of the so-called "governmental hour", the Head of FAS Russia presents the Report on the results of FAS Russia’s activity. The Government of the Russian Federation draws conclusions and adopts guidelines based on the Report.

Furthermore, the activity of FAS Russia is also assessed by the Public Council, a collegial body under FAS Russia, which exercises public control over FAS Russia’s activity, including consideration of drafts of socially significant normative legal acts, monitoring the quality of public services provision, implementation of control and supervisory functions, anti-corruption and HR management activities, evaluation of the effectiveness of public procurement, consideration of FAS Russia’s annual plans and the report on their implementation. For the most objective and comprehensive evaluation of the FAS' activities, the Public Council comprises leading antimonopoly experts and the representatives of the scientific and business community.

In addition, FAS Russia’s activity and the state of competition in the country is annually evaluated by Russian non-governmental organizations, such as the All-Russian non-governmental organization for SMEs "OPORA Russia", the Association of Antimonopoly Experts, the Chamber of Trade and Commerce of the Russian Federation, and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. The results of the assessment are presented in a specific chapter of the annual Report on the State of Competition in the Russian Federation and the recommendations of these organizations are taken into account by FAS Russia in its further activity.

Based on the results of the survey conducted by "OPORA Russia" in 2019, most of the respondents (67%) believe that the degree of competition in Russia has intensified and they define the state of competition as strong or very strong.

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