
Does headline testing lose value over time? Our data behind its lasting impact on engagement

by Josh Schwartz

The Most Engaging Stories of 2021

Our 2021 edition of The Most Engaging Stories is, as always, a tribute to the incredible journalism that captivated readers over the course of the year. It’s also another opportunity…

by Chartbeat Staff
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Numbers to watch: Analyzing video viewership and page engagement

Consumption of news video is on the rise, both in terms of the percentage of news consumers who watch and the amount of time they spend watching. This statistic appears…

by Jack Neary
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Social, search, and engagement: Global data insights from Q3 2021

The third quarter saw audience engagement trends hold steady across search and social while engaged time and reader loyalty saw minor slips in some parts of the world. More global insights…

by Jack Neary
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How the longest Facebook outage since 2008 affected the way readers found and consumed news content

Early last month, Facebook users found themselves refreshing their browsers and apps to no avail. The social media giant had gone down, and Facebook’s outage lasted until service was restored…

by Jack Neary
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Facebook traffic drops, but not all regions have been affected

Chartbeat customers often ask about global referrer trends, to help put their own data into context. In recent weeks, several of our partners have reported seeing a notable drop in…

by Jill Nicholson
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Declining coverage of — and engagement with — COVID

The Chartbeat team looked at the number of global articles published about the COVID pandemic in 2021 and the average time readers spent with those articles, to see how vaccine…

by Jill Nicholson
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Growth in search traffic, engagement: Global data insights for Q1 2021

The first quarter of the new year saw notable growth in search traffic across our global network, along with a few surprises in regions with the highest Average Engaged Time.More…

by Nick Lioudis
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Have readers moved past Trump? What current audience trends tell us

While former President Donald Trump dominated reader engagement for much of last year, we wondered if those audience trends would continue, or begin to tilt in favor of current President…

by Jon Wiggins
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The 3 topics that caught our attention this past year: Analysis & findings

News consumption reached unforeseen highs in 2020, but it was three topics — Covid-19, protests and social movements, and the U.S. election — that drew outsized attention from audiences.Below, we…

by Chartbeat Staff
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When Australian media went dark on Facebook: A timeline and analysis

Publishers across Australia abruptly saw their content go dark on Facebook last month, limiting their ability to reach audiences across the world. Now that the ban has been lifted and…

by Nick Lioudis
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Subscriptions analysis: How content attribution impacts conversions

Our ongoing analysis of 2020 trends has led us to consider how content attribution patterns drive readers to subscribe. In particular, we wondered: How could we best assign a weight…

by Chartbeat Staff
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Loyal readers in perspective: Analyzing engagement data across audiences

Our analysis of engagement data and trends over the past year led us to another important question — did all of the changes to our lives related to the pandemic…

by Chartbeat Staff
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