
Subscriptions and international audience engagement: John Saroff on OMR Podcast

by Nick Lioudis

A holiday note from Chartbeat CEO John Saroff

2020 is (almost) over.On behalf of the entire Chartbeat team, we want to wish you a very happy and safe holiday season.The end of a year means two traditions at…

by John Saroff
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(Charting the News) with The Economist

The Economist just charted 2017 using Chartbeat content-level data. How did Trump compare to world elections, Las Vegas, Irma, Weinstein and Markle? What were the events that most grabbed the…

by Terri Walter
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A Chartbeat Evolution

Today Chartbeat evolves its brand and product experience to match the evolution, passion and dedication of you – our customers. We are inspired by the courage and work ethic you…

by John Saroff
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Announcing Subscriber Engagement

If 2016 was the year of the platform, 2017 is the year of the subscriber. Readers are driving rapid growth in digital subscriptions, and many publishers are exploring new revenue…

by Josh Schwartz
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Announcing the Expansion of Offsite Social

In a time of ongoing uncertainty about how content is distributed, consumed, and shared, it’s critical that publishers and newsrooms everywhere understand audience behavior across platforms, devices, and channels. At…

by John Saroff
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Let’s Get Social: Chartbeat + CrowdTangle

It’s a social world out there, folks, and we know that means your content doesn’t just live on your site anymore. Enter: Chartbeat Offsite Social. Powered by CrowdTangle and available…

by Katie Stuart
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Our new integration with Facebook Instant Articles: Everything you need to know

Today at F8 the Facebook team announced opening their Instant Articles to all publishers. Their aim is to make a better, faster mobile reading experience for all Facebook users. We’re…

by Mona Chaudhuri
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Fighting Dark Social: LinkedIn Comes into the Light

(Editor’s note: Beginning several days ago (the evening of Tuesday, 1/20, to be precise), you may have noticed a significant increase in the traffic on your site from LinkedIn: across…

by Josh Schwartz
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Power in an Open Web: Chartbeat and the Google AMP Project

The refrain is that when it comes to mobile the open web has had its moment and just can’t compete in a world of apps. While apps and the content…

by Tony Haile
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Facebook is Now Taking Into Account Time Spent on Stories

Facebook announced today that it’s updating its News Feed ranking in an effort to show users more of the content that matters to them. The social network will now be…

by Alexandra Northington
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Two New Products, Two New Partners, $15M New Dollars

Last month, Chartbeat celebrated its sixth anniversary. Over those six years, we’ve worked with thousands of incredible partners; raised $15.5 million in venture capital; committed code to GitHub 72,000 times;…

by Tony Haile
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Chartbeat,, and Personal Information

Over the last couple of days, there has been a lot of talk about data privacy and specifically passing personal information (e.g., age, zip code, income) to third-party data…

by Tony Haile
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