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What's coming in WordPress 5.9

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What's coming in WordPress 5.9


This Meetup occurs via Zoom.

Join us for a lively panel discussion on what's coming with WordPress 5.9 this coming January 25th, 2022.

Panelists include:

Brian Gardner - Founder of the successful theme framework StudioPress which was acquired by WP Engine in 2018 and is now Principal Developer Advocate at WP Engine.

Courtney Robertson - Web Design Dev Advocate at GoDaddyPro, WP Training Team co-rep Frm: #WordPress, and teacher @codedifferently

Birgit Pauli-Haack - WordPress developer advocate, curator @gutenbergtimes, co-host Gutenberg Changelog podcast, sponsored by @automattic.

We'll look at several new features:

• Full site editing
* Improvements to blocks
• New default theme - and new types of themes
• Additional design tools
* Improvements for block development

We will also discuss how this update could effect your existing sites and what to watch out for when you update.

Please find the Zoom link on this event page after you RSVP. You will be asked to register and then will be added to the Waiting Room of the Zoom meeting and admitted at 6 pm.

To help our Zoom moderators, please add a bio to your Profile, so we have some sense of you as a real user of WordPress and not a spammer: