Job opportunity with APC: GenderIT coordinator and editor 11 January 2022

The Women's Rights Programme of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC WRP) is looking for a content production coordinator and experienced editor to join APC’s virtual office and help support our exciting work.

In Memoriam: Ian Peter (9/6/1948 – 26/12/2021) 06 January 2022 By Andrew Garton, Sue Taylor and Paul Wilson

A tribute to internet pioneer and historian Ian Peter, founder of Australia's first public internet provider and a founding director of APC. 

Advocating around technology, the environment and a sustainable world: GISWatch at the IGF 17 December 2021 By APCNews

The inputs from the speakers collectively built on a key takeaway from this edition of GISWatch, that the burden of environmental destruction and pollution falls disproportionately on communities that experience discrimination, marginalisation and exclusion.

Over 100 public interest organisations and experts urge the UN to include human rights safeguards in proposed cybercrime convention

Joint letter

Over 100 public interest organisations and experts urge the UN to include human rights safeguards in proposed cybercrime convention

A joint letter urges members of the UN Ad Hoc Committee drafting a potential Cybercrime Treaty to ensure that human rights protections are included at every step and global civil society is provided opportunities to participate in the development process.

Online caste-hate speech: Pervasive discrimination and humiliation on social media


Online caste-hate speech: Pervasive discrimination and humiliation on social media

This report presents insights into online caste-hate speech, combining qualitative accounts of the targets of such expression on social media platforms with an analysis of these platforms’ speech norms.

APC statement at the virtual, informal consultative discussion with the Chair of the Open-ended Working Group on developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security


APC statement at the virtual, informal consultative discussion with the Chair of the Open-ended Working Group on developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security

In this statement, APC calls on the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) to recognise that existing and emerging cyber threats impact differently on groups subject to intersecting forms of discrimination, including women and people of diverse sexualities and gender expressions.

Multi-stakeholder letter for OEWG Chair on modalities


Multi-stakeholder letter for OEWG Chair on modalities

A group of more than 140 members of the multistakeholder community have signed a letter addressed to Ambassador Burhan Gafoor, Chair of the UN OEWG, about multistakeholder participation in the upcoming sessions.

Joint NGO letter urging EU targeted sanctions against NSO Group

Joint letter

Joint NGO letter urging EU targeted sanctions against NSO Group

Following revelations that Israeli NSO Group’s Pegasus Spyware was used to hack the devices of six Palestinian human rights activists, we urge the EU to take serious and effective measures against NSO Group, including its designation under the EU’s global human rights sanctions regime.

APC priorities for the 2021 Internet Governance Forum

Briefing document

APC priorities for the 2021 Internet Governance Forum

APC values the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) as a convening space to substantively engage in and contribute to discussing and shaping internet policy with a broad range of stakeholders. These are some of the issues that APC will be focusing on at this year's IGF, taking place on 6-10 December.

The Association for Progressive Communications remains committed to strengthening the Internet Governance Forum


The Association for Progressive Communications remains committed to strengthening the Internet Governance Forum

We believe that the IGF is a vital piece of the internet governance ecosystem, and view the IGF Leadership Panel as an effort towards consolidating the Forum as a platform for identifying viable ways to strengthen accountable, transparent, inclusive and participatory global digital cooperation.

APC guidelines on planning and designing online events: A collection of practices and learnings


APC guidelines on planning and designing online events: A collection of practices and learnings

What do you need to consider when designing an online event? What are the core principles for safer and more accessible events? APC has collected its learnings from over 30 years of online work in this new guide, which covers everything from initial planning to going live to winding down.&nb...;

Policy explainers

Omicron travel bans on Africa: “The history of racism, inequalities and discrimination is interwoven with the science” 17 December 2021 APCNews

APC members in Africa respond to the discriminatory travel bans due to Omicron and how we must fight vaccine inequities, disinformation and colonial mindsets.

The strength of a network: A look back on how APC members have been seeding change in their communities 15 December 2021 APCNews

in 2021, we highlighted 27 stories of impact and change by our members, supported by APC subgranting. These stories demonstrate that listening to multiple voices and learning from positive impacts made locally are important ways to keep seeding and harvesting change.

Inside the Digital Society: Another IGF, another year 15 December 2021 David Souter

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) has come a long way in its 16 years. What is it today, and what should its future look like? 


In this weekly column, longstanding associate of APC David Souter looks at different aspects of the digital society. Issues covered include internet governance and sustainable development, human rights and the environment, policy, practice and the use of ICTs.

How are APC members improving their communities' lives? In this section we're highlighting stories of impact and change by our members, supported by APC sub-granting.

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