US rejects charge that Starlink satellites endangered China’s space station

“Clearly an exchange of diplomatic notes is better than an exchange of Twitter fire (or worse). But diplomatic notes won’t fill in the gaps in space governance and traffic safety,” Jessica West of Canada’s Project Ploughshares said. 

It’s a FOBS, Space Force’s Saltzman confirms amid Chinese weapons test confusion

China’s recent test of a FOBS/HGV hybrid is “a very forward-edge technology capability,” said Space Force’s Lt. Gen. Chance (Salty) Saltzman.

US Must Build Space ‘Superhighway’ Before China Stakes Claims: Senior Space Force Officer

Brig. Gen. John Olson, who advises CSO Gen. Jay Raymond on space logistics issues, believes the US must rapidly act to take the “first mover advantage” for itself to block Chinese ambitions, which could include territorial claims in space.

Unclear And Contradictory Rules Bedevil Commercial Space Firms: Study

The Aerospace study found that controlling the creation of dangerous space junk is a regulatory arena “where clarity is badly needed,” for one.

‘Global Strike From Space;’ Did Kendall Reveal Chinese Threat?

WASHINGTON: When Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall used his Sept. 20 keynote speech at the annual Air Force Association conference to claim that China is developing the ability to launch “global strikes from space” against US targets, it raised more than a few eyebrows and sent military analysts scrambling. After all, the decision to bring up…

Exclusive: In A First, SecDef Pledges DoD To Space Norms

Experts warn that codifying a norm against long-lived debris may actually provide cover for countries to do anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons tests.

US Should Push New Space Treaty: Atlantic Council

“If everybody we talk to is the enemy, and there’s a boogeyman behind every question and every opportunity, we’re not going to go anywhere,” retired Marine Corps Gen. Hoss Cartwright says. “We’re frozen.”

DARPA Space Manufacturing Project Sparks Controversy

“As you surely know, there is a lot of emotion in this on both sides of the argument, making it as much political as it is legal,” said attorney Henry Hertzfeld of the DARPA plans.

US Must Weigh ‘Strategic Impacts’ Of Arming The Heavens: Aerospace

“I think probably the biggest single thing that I know Gen. Raymond is working on … is really fleshing out that long-term vision for the Space Force,” Justin Johnson, acting deputy assistant secretary for space policy says.

Space Force-NASA Accord Highlights Cooperation Beyond Earth Orbit

US discovery and exploitation of rare earth minerals from the Moon and asteroids “could change the balance of power on Earth,” enthused NASA Administration Jim Bridenstine. 

CSIS Bad Idea: Giving Space Command An AOR

One of the distinguishing characteristics of space is that it has no natural boundaries and is inherently international.

Astroscale US Targets DoD Sat Servicing Market

“DoD is a customer like any other, with a future need for servicing its own satellites to extend mission life,” says Astroscale US President Ron Lopez.

Space Lasers for Satellite Defense Top New French Space Strategy

French Defense Minister Florence Parley says she has been exploring with French defense giant Thales concepts for what she called “fearsome little detectors” that “will be the eyes of our most valuable satellites.”

The US Needs A ‘Coast Guard’ For Space: Semper Paratus Exteriores Spatium

A battle has been underway for several years now over who will become the FAA of space and how they will do the job. Some wanted the FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Tranportation, which boasts the great acronym, FAST. Some wanted NOAA or NASA. Most did not want the Air Force, which has had a…