WesElyMDتصدیق شدہ اکاؤنٹ


Husband & Dad. ICU Doctor @ Vanderbilt & VA. Our studies COVID19 & Long Covid, Delirium, Dementia, PTSD, ICU Recovery, & End-of-Life. Tweets my own.

Nashville, TN
اپریل 2020 کو شامل ہوئے


آپ نے @WesElyMD کو بلاک کردیا

کیا آپ واقعی یہ ٹویٹس دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں؟ ٹویٹس دیکھنے سے @WesElyMD ان بلاک نہیں ہوگا

  1. پن کردہ ٹویٹ
    4 جنوری

    1/🧵🎥 A young mom suffering . Her husband is scared. We need to prevent serious long-term complications. Her new normal will likely include PTSD, Dementia, Depression & severe physical disability. (shown w Perm) Not so “mild” ➡️ Do you want this?

    اس پیغامات کے سلسلے کو دکھائیں
  2. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    17 گھنٹے پہلے

    Regulatory action for physicians who spread : Maine is right! This needs to become standard. We witness the routine ruining of lives & families that occurs when people are victims of misinformation and scientific untruths. Boundaries must protect.

  3. 42 منٹ پہلے

    A fatal does of fentanyl is only this many specks👇. Prison yards & streets are full of it. 👎 Not detected on many drug screens. My last several pts who died of respiratory arrest & anoxic brain injury were in their 20s. So sad. Teach our kids the dangers of street drugs.

  4. 2 گھنٹے پہلے

    And notice the sequence all starts with our thoughts. Thoughts toward goodness, truth & love VS thoughts toward frustration, anger & harm. We have choices

    اس پیغامات کے سلسلے کو دکھائیں
  5. 2 گھنٹے پہلے

    Amid nuttiness, I’m sticking to words of wisdom (source unknown): Watch your THOUGHTS; they become words. Watch your WORDS; they become actions. Watch your ACTIONS; they become habits. Watch your HABITS; they become character. Watch your CHARACTER; it becomes your destiny

    اس پیغامات کے سلسلے کو دکھائیں
  6. 6 گھنٹے پہلے

    Poet (2019 Nat 📕 Award) takes everyday things & transmogrifies them into phantasmagorical imagery… “Swimming backstroke toward the far end of a pool in sunlight— yellow flares in the nearby aspens— in the predawn sky, Mars and Venus glimmered”

  7. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    13 جنوری

    This is PTSD. “I would make detours while travelling to avoid the sight of a hospital. . I hid all my medical textbooks . . I still cannot bear a shower curtain to be drawn as it reminds me of closed hospital curtains and hidden death.” Dr. Sarah Wake, BMJ 2013 346:f3232

  8. 16 گھنٹے پہلے

    2/fin 🎥 Here she wants you to know what it’s like for her to be recognized as an entire human being & granted 3 wishes in her dying days. Find a person in your life today at a coffee shop or in front of you in the hospital whom you can fully see and do the same for…

    اس پیغامات کے سلسلے کو دکھائیں
  9. 16 گھنٹے پہلے

    1/🧵🎥 “He DIED ALONE of 😤 Listen to her testimonial about brother’s death. Is it OK to restrict visitation? NO, yet 1,000s of hospitals are still doing this. . 👁 see Tw #2 as she describes . We heal even when cure isn’t possible?

    اس پیغامات کے سلسلے کو دکھائیں
  10. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    13 جنوری

    This disease can take so much from people even when it’s “mild” on the front end. Meaning that even if you don’t get really sick initially, you could end up with the burden of . That’s a steep price to pay.

  11. 17 گھنٹے پہلے

    In severe , we give w Steroids👇 What about pts w ⬇️ platelets? Our COVBARRIER protocol had no exclusion or risk found re platelet count. Low plts are a possible effect of COVID & in chronic autoimmune conditions, bari ⬆️ platelets. So it’s RISK vs. BENEFIT.

  12. 17 گھنٹے پہلے

    By simply CARING about the person in front of you today in the COVID ICU or in a coffee shop, you can make a difference to help that person deal. . I get messages about sadness...the way forward is ONE day at a time. ONE person at a time. Find that first person...now.

  13. 17 گھنٹے پہلے

    Regulatory action for physicians who spread : Maine is right! This needs to become standard. We witness the routine ruining of lives & families that occurs when people are victims of misinformation and scientific untruths. Boundaries must protect.

  14. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    13 جنوری

    I really don’t have words at this point. I really just don’t understand. This is a failure of science. This will result in more needless death and suffering, It is also a failure of protecting the people more vulnerable than ourselves. 💔

    اس پیغامات کے سلسلے کو دکھائیں
  15. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    10 جنوری

    "One-Way Masking Works. If you’re vaccinated, boosted, and wearing an N95, you’re protected—no matter what others are doing."

  16. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    12 جنوری

    The American Rescue Plan allocated $130 billion to keep schools safe in this pandemic. Illinois alone received $5 billion. Where did billions of dollars go to? There needs to be a public accounting state-by-state on how these funds were utilized.

    اس پیغامات کے سلسلے کو دکھائیں
  17. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    12 جنوری

    Yesterday a sniffling & sneezing doctor walked by me on the street outside at a park. He was wearing scrubs. I asked, “What did your test show?” He said, “ Oh I didn’t bother. Too busy. I’ve probably had it a couple of times anyway. Why test?” Wrong answer. Protect others.

  18. 13 جنوری

    This disease can take so much from people even when it’s “mild” on the front end. Meaning that even if you don’t get really sick initially, you could end up with the burden of . That’s a steep price to pay.

  19. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    11 جنوری

    This chart says it all. If u got double vaccinated early on & are not yet boosted, ur effectively unvaccinated against Omicron infection. Thus, many adults & teens are effectively unvaccinated against infection. Kids got vaccinated recently & thus may be in a safer position. 1/

    اس پیغامات کے سلسلے کو دکھائیں
  20. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    12 جنوری

    " is so mild" 🇺🇸 Americans hospitalized 🏥 7 Jan: 125,000 8 Jan: 130,000 9 Jan: 135,000 ⚠️(highest since pandemic began) 10 Jan: 140,000 ⚠️(highest since pandemic began) 11 Jan: 145,000 ⚠️(highest since pandemic began)

    اس پیغامات کے سلسلے کو دکھائیں
  21. نے ریٹویٹ کیا
    11 جنوری

    TEACHERS ARE QUITTING IN DROVES. WILL ANYONE HEAR US? Never cared about followers or getting the message out there until now. Please. Someone see this. Send it to someone with a bigger account who might be heard.

    اس پیغامات کے سلسلے کو دکھائیں

لوڈنگ میں وقت لگ رہا ہے.

ٹوئٹر گنجائش سے زیادہ بوجھ یا ایک وقتی مشکل سے دوچار ہے۔ دوبارہ کوشش کریں یا مزید معلومات کے لیے ">ٹوئٹر اسٹیٹس پر جائیں۔

    آپ کو بھی پسند ہو
