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The economy has a funny way of affecting everything we do and what we value. Through long-form interviews with economists, policymakers and other guests, The New Bazaar explores how the economy is constantly altering the way we live -- and how our choices in life are reflected back into the economy. Hosted by Cardiff Garcia and produced by Aimee Keane, The New Bazaar is a production of Bazaar Audio. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.
For nearly 100 years, one family traded influence and held power in the South Carolina lowcountry until a fatal boat crash involving an allegedly intoxicated heir-apparent shed sunlight on a true crime saga like no-other. Award-winning journalist Mandy Matney of FITSNews.com has been investigating the Murdaugh family since that fateful night in 2019. The now-infamous Murdaugh family is surrounded by seven criminal investigations into insurance fraud, obstruction of justice, the 2021 double h ...
The day’s news made fast, fair and fun – in 10 minutes. Erica Mandy is like a trusted friend who always ‘gets’ both sides. She’s a veteran journalist who was tired of talking heads, alarmist headlines and monotone voices, so she created something different. The NewsWorthy is packed with politics, tech, business and entertainment from a variety of sources -- brought together in one, convenient place (and with a fun twist). Join the thousands of people already listening each weekday!
In addition to Laurence Holmes' insightful perspective, a signature feature of his show is the in-studio interview with athletes, coaches and journalists, allowing for deeper discussion on their backgrounds and the day’s most important topics. Herb Lawrence is the executive producer of the show. Follow Laurence on Twitter @LaurenceWHolmes.
Short podcasts from inside the classroom and longer sit-down conversations with celebrities and creative Inspirers. Anthony is an award-winning writer-director-producer, creativity expert, inspirational speaker, and artistic director of Anthony Meindl’s Actor Workshop (AMAW) with studios in Los Angeles, New York, London, Atlanta, Sydney, Toronto, Santa Fe, and Vancouver. His unique approach to acting (and creativity) is no-nonsense and based on the assumption that we can all do it. Because w ...
Everywhere around us are echoes of the past. Those echoes define the boundaries of states and countries, how we pray and how we fight. They determine what money we spend and how we earn it at work, what language we speak and how we raise our children. From Wondery, host Patrick Wyman, PhD (“Fall Of Rome”) helps us understand our world and how it got to be the way it is.


Dan Falk and Amanda Gefter

From neurons to nanotech and from quarks to the cosmos, BookLab is the podcast that puts science books under the microscope! Join hosts Dan Falk and Amanda Gefter for a look at the latest in popular science writing: what’s new, what’s hot, and what you ought to be reading right now.
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