The Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) is the only full-time resource dedicated to helping donors maximize their impact by making more intentional disaster-related giving decisions.

We know disasters, so you don’t have to. A pandemic, hurricanes, wildfires, floods and human-made crises are threatening the lives and livelihoods of billions worldwide. This creates a critical need for knowing when to respond and how to do so effectively.

Since 2010, CDP has been helping individuals, foundations and corporations increase the effectiveness of their philanthropic response to disasters and humanitarian crises.

With our emphasis on medium- and long-term recovery and equity-focused disaster giving, we:

  • Direct financial and technical support where it is needed most.
  • Provide expert and timely advice from professionals with deep disaster planning, response and preparedness expertise, and experience as philanthropists.
  • Offer educational resources so you can make informed decisions about where and when to give.

Disaster recovery is the process of improving individual, family and community resiliency after the occurrence of a disaster. Recovery is not only about the restoration of structures, systems and services – although they are critical. A successful recovery is also about addressing sources of inequitable and unjust outcomes, and individuals and families being able to rebound from their losses and sustain their physical, social, economic, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.