In 2014, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy launched the Midwest Early Recovery Fund (the Fund). Developed to support the needs of vulnerable populations affected by low-attention disasters, the Fund efficiently and effectively allocates monies to organizations using a unique ‘clip-board’ grantmaking process which means dollars are ready to be invested within weeks of a disaster event to ensure recovery begins in a timely manner.

Low-attention disasters are the norm in the Midwest. With twenty percent of the land mass and only 10 percent of the population, it is a region with hundreds of small and/or rural communities that do not attract much public attention when affected by a disaster. Without national news coverage, recovery resources are scarce. Federal and state dollars are rarely allocated to address the needs of those most vulnerable to the impact of flooding, fires, tornadoes or severe storms.

Learn how our Fund works in affected areas to provide high-impact funding for a more holistic and robust recovery: