Option 1: Join an existing network

The fastest way to blockchain success is by joining an existing network. IBM® has invested millions in convening networks, establishing governance models, developing flexible blockchain technology and more. We make onboarding easy for those who want to join others in the ongoing movement to transform the food supply, supply chains, trade finance and many others.

Option 2: Build your own solution

Thousands of innovators are already using the award-winning IBM Blockchain Platform to build, operate, govern and grow a solution. From ease-of-use to complete ownership of everything you create, explore our latest version that gives you the ultimate in deployment flexibility across hybrid cloud, multi-cloud and on-premises environments.

Option 3: Co-create your solution with us

With accolades from top analysts and more than 500 client projects to date, IBM Blockchain Services is the industry’s leading blockchain services provider. Explore, envision, establish and evolve your scalable blockchain for business network backed by more than 1,600 technical and business experts.

Option 4: Partner with others for new opportunities

You have a brilliant blockchain for business idea — but you need others to unleash its true value. Promote and enhance your existing blockchain solution with other members of the IBM Blockchain Ecosystem. You can access new audiences as an IBM Business Partner, accelerate your path to new markets through integration with the IBM Blockchain Platform, and much more.

Option 5: Gain valuable insights from blockchain experts

Launch your learning journey with insights from two blockchain analysts. They’ll take you from the basic foundation to advanced steps, sharing insights on the way to solving critical business problems with blockchain.

Blockchain for industries

Industry leaders are using specialized applications of IBM Blockchain to remove friction, build trust and unlock new value, across industries and around the globe. Select your segment to see how to overcome the challenges you face today.

Learn more and get started with IBM Blockchain


Studies, thought leadership, interactives, and webinars to help you learn more about blockchain and get the most out of your blockchain investment.

Use cases

Be inspired by how innovators are transforming their businesses using the IBM Blockchain Platform. You can join an existing blockchain network or work with us to create your own.


Conversations and opinions from the blockchain community and our experts will guide you through the latest thinking. Hundreds of postings cover multiple industries and issues.

Developer center

The tools you need to start developing with the open source Hyperledger Fabric and IBM Blockchain, including tutorials, use cases, and code patterns.

IBM Training for Blockchain

Advance your skills with dozens of courses, badges, and certifications. Train in all aspects of blockchain, in a variety of skill levels and course lengths.

Blockchain newsletter

Your monthly “must read” about blockchain, drawn from hundreds of news sources. Every issue focuses on one or two critical topics, to give you a deep, inside look.

Blockchain topics

Explore our informational guides to gain a deeper understanding of various aspects of blockchain such as how it works, ways to use it and considerations for implementation.

Have questions?

Connect with our experts to learn how IBM Blockchain can help power your enterprise’s digital transformation. What will we solve together?