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Unexpected database server downtime, affecting bugs, forums, wiki (Nov 27, 2021)

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Due to an unexpected breakage on our database servers, several Gentoo websites are currently down. In particular, this includes Forums, Wiki, and Bugzilla. Please visit our Infrastructure status page for real-time monitoring and eventual outage notices.

Update, Dec 5, 2021: The outage, apparently caused by a subtle bug in the depths of MariaDB and Galera, should mostly be over. Our infrastructure team is watching the database servers closely though.

New packages at the Gentoo packages database

sys-process/bashtop Resource monitor that shows usage and stats
dev-cpp/libodb-sqlite Common ODB runtime library
dev-cpp/libodb Common ODB runtime library
dev-python/jaraco-context Context managers by jaraco
dev-db/phppgadmin Web-based administration for Postgres database in php

Fresh documentation on the Gentoo wiki

BleedingTooth vulnerability started by Whissi
Vifm started by Jeff132312342q4323
PINE64 ROCKPro64/Installing Gentoo started by Rory
Connman started by Aslantis
OpenRC to systemd Cheatsheet/ja started by Shinmili