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Японский дизайн — больше, чем минимализм

Alconost corporate blog Web design *Language localisation *Graphic design *Reading room

Проблема, с которой я, как дизайнер презентаций, сталкиваюсь чаще всего, — это необходимость втиснуть большой объем информации на минимальное количество слайдов (так хочет клиент) и при этом разместить информацию эстетически привлекательно.

«Это невозможно» — думаю я, переставляя текстовые блоки, словно игрок в Тетрис. Но внезапно мне приходит мысль, что именно в этом преуспели японцы. Просто взгляните на их меню, на их журналы, брошюры или даже на улицы японских городов. 

Тем не менее, когда я ищу в Гугле словосочетание «японский дизайн», всё, что мне выдает поисковик, — это статьи про минимализм в сочетании с фото симметричных садов камней, чайных чашек нейтральных тонов и деревянных интерьеров, в которых могла бы, кажется, жить Мари Кондо.

Почему лишь такой подход является синонимом японского дизайна, если мы говорим о стране, известной одновременно магазинами MUJI и Don Don Donki, дзен-садами и хаотичной рекламой?

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Pozvonoq to Launch Production of 3D-Printed Intervertebral Cages

Top 3D Shop corporate blog 3D printers

We have previously written about how the Raise3D Pro2 is used for printing surgical guides. In this article, we will talk about intervertebral cages developed and patented by the Pozvonoq startup of the North-West Technology Transfer Center and the Russian manufacturing company Ortoinvest, which specializes in the development and production of power equipment and implants for traumatology and orthopedics.

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Bengbu Hospital Uses 3D Printing for Complex Surgery

Top 3D Shop corporate blog 3D printers

The Bengbu Hospital in the Anhui Province makes use of additive technologies to create medical visuals and guides for vertebrae surgery. Back in 2013, director of orthopedics Niu Guoqi launched the research of 3D printing application for vertebrae, aiming to establish it in-house.

Director Niu’s team and the whole project were the first to apply 3D printing technology for healthcare applications in the Anhui Province. The device they employed was the Raise3D N2 Plus 3D printer from the manufacturer’s very first lineup. The team appears to find it extremely efficient.

“[The Raise3D N2 Plus] printer is the most stable one among all I have tried. The print quality is really good. The surface features of the bone are all recovered in the printed model,” comments Niu Guoqi on the use of the machine in vertebrae surgery, which is one of the most complex and riskiest for doctors.

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Christmas is here and there is GNOME Desktop Environment extension to improve festive mood

Self Promo

🎄 It's not snowing in my region, but I really like "true" winter holidays ambience, so I made extension for GNOME Desktop Environment so it will snow at least on my laptop.

Not familiar with Linux and/or GNOME? Check out GNOME Project and Fedora OS websites.

Here are extension's GitHub repository and homepage on GNOME Extensions.

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Investment into Additive Technologies: Points of Growth and Prognosis into 2025

Top 3D Shop corporate blog 3D printers

The management of a Russian company REC (that’s been developing and manufacturing 3D printing materials for nine years) thinks that the relevance of the additive manufacturing industry will only continue to grow as long as the market will become even more aware of the abilities of the tech.

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Metauniverses are here – you just have to know where to look. One of Sber AR/VR Lab projects of 2021

Сбер corporate blog Development for AR and VR *AR and VR

Hi! I am Aleksey Rybakov, Product Owner at Sber ARVR Lab. 

And before telling you what we have achieved, let me explain the meaning of this article’s heading. Or more so, explain the word “metauniverse”. This term was well-described by Mark Zuckerburg: “Metauniverse is internet implemented, where instead of looking at internet, you are inside of it.” Like a parallel universe, which you can enter yourself with AR/VR gadgets or through a 3D-avatar.

In other words, a metauniverse is simultaneously a virtual space and a way of engaging with its objects without the common “screen + keybord/mouse/sensor” medium. 

And yes, metauniverses are here. But to get into one, you’ll need a few things. First, you need to know where to look. We will talk about that later when depicting a curious case in Moscow. Second, you need a technology that will help connect the virtual world with the real one. We will talk about that as well. 

Now, let me introduce: VPS.

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PVS-Studio checks the code of Flipper Zero dolphin

PVS-Studio corporate blog Open source *C++ *C *Programming microcontrollers *

Flipper Zero + PVS-Studio

Flipper Zero is an open-source multi-tool for geeks and penetration testers. It so happened that the Flipper Zero project and the PVS-Studio analyzer crossed paths. A philosophical question: should we check the project, if the project developers have already started fixing errors? Let's try to do this.

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Chaos: 3,000-HP Car from Spyros Panopoulos Automotive

Top 3D Shop corporate blog 3D printers Transport

“This is not even a hypercar — it’s an ultracar,” — this is how race car driver Spyros Panopoulos prefers to call his brainchild, whose company is going to present the most powerful production car in the world, stuffed with 3D printed parts and ready to put to shame Formula 1’s SSC Tuatara and Bugatti Chiron.

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Siberian Botanical Garden Welcomed Elves, Dragons and Winged Cats

Top 3D Shop corporate blog 3D printers

In the subtropical greenhouse of the Siberian Botanical Garden of Tomsk State University, there appeared 3D printed sculptures of mythological characters — elves, a winged cat, and a baby dragon.

The idea was to create moisture-resistant photogenic sculptures that would complement the exposition of greenhouse plants and draw the attention of visitors to the mythical creatures of the world cultural heritage. 3D models of the sculptures were designed and printed on a 3D printer, being then polished and painted to look like stone.

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