About CCAF

The community college of choice, providing a path to higher learning for those with a calling to serve.
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Elevate the enlisted profession by advancing technical and leadership capability across the career through degrees, credentials, and related programs to support recruiting, retention, career transition efforts, and mission capability and readiness.

Paths to Your Educational Goals

CCAF Degrees
CCAF Certificates
Associate to Baccalaureate Cooperative (AU ABC)
General Education Mobile
AF Credential Opportunities On-Line

Visit your local Education Services Office and create a customized plan!


Transform yourself: Become more educated and certified

  • Add credentials and college degrees to your resume
  • Open doors of opportunity for jobs, promotions, further education inside/outside AF
  • Don’t fall behind your peers/competition
  • Put yourself on path to career success!


We equip you with degrees and credentials you need to succeed!​

CMSgt Alexius Reid, discusses the importance of educating the enlisted force.
Experiential and educational opportunities within Air Force careers and training that encourage leadership growth.
How CCAF can assist service members from sister service branches of the military in pursuing academic goals.
J.R. Breeding, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, describes his passion for assisting Airmen in achieving academic goals.

The CCAF Success Series highlights how earning associate's degree prepares you for a variety of careers
The CCAF Success Series highlights how earning associate's degree prepares you for a variety of careers
Anthony Melchiorri shares experiences while in the service
Dan Ringo chats with CCAF regarding his life in the Air Force

Providing Answers to CCAF Questions
Dr. Dasinger announces the Military Technology and Applied Sciences Management (MTASM) degree program.
AU recognizes UND’s Bachelor of General Studies program, apply 64 CCAF credits toward degree.
AF COOL, one-stop for airmen to explore credentials recognized by the civilian community.

Publications and Reports

CCAF General Catalog

The Community College of the Air Force, Maxwell AFB, Gunter Annex, Alabama, is an institution of higher learning dedicated to the enlisted members of the United States Air and Space Forces.

CCAF Student Handbook

The CCAF Student Handbook is designed for you, the student.  The primary aim of this handbook is to acquaint you with CCAF and help you understand the academic process. 

CCAF Update Newsletter

A forum to keep education services personnel, affiliated schools, Air and Space Force training personnel, recruiters, and the community colleges constituents at large abreast of CCAF news, policies and procedures. 

CCAF in the News

More CCAF News

Air Force Virtual Education Center

AF Virtual Education Center (AFVEC)

AFVEC offers a wide array of on-line services to empower you to actively participate in all aspects of your education to include the creation and management of online Tuition Assistance (TA).

AF Credentialling Opportunities On-Line (AF Cool)

AF COOL provides a one-stop for airmen and space professionals to explore credentials recognized by the civilian community that can enhance their current performance in their Air and Space Force job.

AU Associate to Baccalaureate Cooperative 

Air University Associate to Baccalaureate Cooperative (AU-ABC) directs airmen and space progessionals with associate in applied science degrees from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) to a collection of accredited “military friendly” colleges and universities.

General Education Mobile (GEM)

GEM is a partnership between CCAF & partnering regionally accredited civilian schools to provide general education courses that meet CCAF requirements in an online format: anytime, anywhere availability.

DoD SkillBridge

The DoD SkillBridge initiative promotes the civilian job training authority available for transitioning military Service members. Service members meeting certain qualifications can participate in civilian job and employment training, including apprenticeships and internships.