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The Air Force Journal of Military Conflict Transformation (JMCT)

60 W. Shumacher Ave.
Building 803, Room 56-60

Maxwell AFB, AL 36112

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JMCT is the leading peer-reviewed journal in the field of conflict management, negotiation, mediation, and facilitation within the military environment. The mission of JMCT is to foster an intellectual platform in which scholars, students, researchers, and subject matter experts can contribute original content that enhances the discipline. 


The views and opinions expressed or implied in JMCT are those of the authors and should not be construed as carrying the official sanction of the United States Air Force, the Department of Defense, Air Education and Training Command, Air University, or other agencies or departments of the US government.

All materials submitted to The Air Force Negotiation Center's Journal of Military Conflict Transformation must be unclassified, non-sensitive, and releasable to the public.

Author Guide

The Journal of Military Conflict Transformation (JMCT) is the leading peer-reviewed journal in the field of conflict management, negotiation, mediation, and facilitation within the military environment. The mission of JMCT is to foster an intellectual platform in which scholars, students, researchers, and subject matter experts can contribute original content that enhances the theory, training and education, and the overall discipline.

The information on this page is meant to serve as a reference guide for submitting materials to JMCT, which welcomes articles (5,000-15,000 words), commentary/op-eds (1,500-3,500 words), book reviews (500-1,000 words), artwork, and photographs. Some issues of JMCT are centered around particular themes within the field, but articles are accepted on a continual basis. For a copy of the author's release form CLICK HERE.

Individuals interested in publishing may submit materials via email to [email protected]. All submissions must be unclassified, non-sensitive, and releasable to the public. Content must be original, not previously published, and represent substantive new content or perspectives. Additional submission requirements can be found in the following: JMCT Submission Guidelines and Quick Reference Guide.

Artwork & Photographs

To submit original artwork or photographs, please fill out the following copyright release form and return to [email protected]

Submission Instructions

  1. Cover letter of brief statement about your submission that includes:
    1. A request of consideration for this publication
    2. 3 to 5 keywords that are associated with your submission
  2. Your properly written and formatted materials and an abstract: See JMCT Submission Guidelines and Quick Reference Guide
  3. Author's statement of originality, the exclusivity of publishing, and adherence to the non-sensitive/unclassified clause

How to Select a Book

JMCT accepts reviews of books that have been published within the last 5 years and focuses on topics closely related to conflict management, negotiation, mediation, and facilitation. Before beginning your review, please submit the book title and author to [email protected] for approval. You may submit up to three books per request, but only one will be approved.

For the Reviewer

As the reviewer, you are encouraged to assess the book's strengths and weaknesses as it applies to the military context. In addition, we ask that you include recommendations and conclusions. Please refrain from using in-text citations.

What to Include

  1. A brief summary of the book
  2. Its strengths and weaknesses as it pertains to the military context
  3. Your recommendations and conclusions
  4. Cover page
    1. Cover page title: Book Review of (Book Title), by Author Last Name, First Name. City, State: Publisher, Year. Number of Pages. Cost.
    2. Reviewer's name and credentials
    3. Two to three-sentence biography of the reviewer, including his/her affiliations. 
Director, Air Force Negotiation Center 

   Stephen L. Renner, Ph.D



Copy Editor

   Kimberley N. Spivey

Book Review Editors

   John Boyles

Book Designer

   Sarah Dewey





METCAT Papers were established by The Air Force Negotiation Center to serve as a repository for innovative and progressive manuscripts concerning themes within Military Education and Training in Conflict Analysis and Transformation (METCAT). 


The views and opinions expressed or implied in METCAT are those of the authors and should not be construed as carrying the official sanction of the United States Air Force, the Department of Defense, Air Education and Training Command, Air University, or other agencies or departments of the US government.