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See All PostsTrudeau abandons promise to lower Internet and cell phone bills
Mandate letters miss the mark entirely on affordable connectivity and Internet access.
Government promises to learn from Internet regulation mistakes
But will harmful content legislation and Broadcasting Act reform do so?
Justin Trudeau and the government of Canada are absolutely failing us when it comes to protecting our privacy.
Give Trudeau a Wake-Up Call: Demand Affordable Internet!
The Trudeau government has been silent for months on our sky-high telecom bills because they think we won’t hold them accountable. So let this be a wake-up call to our elected officials: you made a promise to lower our prices, and we will NOT relent until you’ve fulfilled it!
Throne speech doubles down on botched approach to tackling Big Tech
Government signals it will neglect its duty to address core Internet affordability and privacy reform issues.
OpenMedia calls for government to introduce improved privacy law reform on one year anniversary of failed bill
Canada is even further from increased privacy protections today than when C-11 was introduced a year ago.
Stop C-10’s dumpster fire from coming back!
Tell Minister Rodriguez to reject bringing back Bill C-10.
“Family of raccoons” leading OpenMedia poll to replace Rogers family as Canada’s supreme telecom dynasty
VOTE NOW! If a single telecom dynasty is going to rule us all, let’s pick a better one than the Rogers family.
Rogers is unfit to rule Canada’s Internet!
The OpenMedia community is debating whether a family of raccoons or the Jonas Brothers would do better overseeing most of Canada’s home Internet and wireless services. Absurd, right?
What you need to know about Biden’s FCC Nominations
Joe Biden recently presented his nominations for the FCC. Here’s what that means for America’s Internet.
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