Transform Your Employee Experience

Providing an integrated digital workspace is a priority for organizations to overcome employee experience challenges in the age of the anywhere organization. By delivering a unified workspace, on any device, with the insights for IT to measure the employee experience, organizations can support secure employee productivity on any device, no matter where they work.
Intelligent Self-Service and Remote Support

Intelligent Self-Service and Remote Support

Minimize employee downtime by providing access to FAQs and a chatbot for discovery of corporate resources. Proactively remediate issues before they occur with employee experience management. When interaction with IT is required, start a remote screensharing session.

Unified App Catalog with Single Sign-On

Unified App Catalog with Single Sign-On

Eliminate time spent searching for apps and remembering passwords by providing a single launch experience for all apps.

Personalized Communications and Workflows

Personalized Communications and Workflows

Keep employees productive from any device, anywhere, with seamless access to the communications and workflows they need. In a single location, they can access notifications, system updates, and more, or take action on business processes.

Support for BYO and Corporate Devices on a Single Platform

Support for BYO and Corporate Devices on a Single Platform

Provide consistent experiences across mobile and desktop, regardless of device management status. Employees can securely access corporate resources, including secure virtual desktops, no matter if a personal or corporate device.

Understanding the Benefits of Investing in Digital Employee Experience

Provide Self-Service and Remote Support

Accelerate Onboarding

Onboarding is more than just an employee’s first day at an organization. It covers transitions to working from home, new roles, returning to the office, acquisitions, and more.

Provide Self-Service and Remote Support

Continue to Build a Remote First Culture

Supporting a distributed culture is a key requirement of an anywhere organization. Remote work experts share practical tips on how to create a culture that supports remote work.

Increased Employee Satisfaction and Productivity

Increased Employee Satisfaction and Productivity

Delivering seamless employee experiences and minimizing tech disruptions is key to keeping employees productive from anywhere. 

Comprehensive Employee Experience Management Insights

Comprehensive Employee Experience Management Insights

Measure and deliver a seamless, device-agnostic experience to employees across all device types. Combined with insights, trends and dashboards, IT can proactively identify and remediate issues that might negatively impact employee experience.

Innovation and Enhanced Customer Experiences

Innovation and Enhanced Customer Experiences

When organizations deliver best-in-class technology solutions to their workforce, employees become the best brand ambassadors who are empowered to deliver the best customer experiences.

Innovation and Enhanced Customer Experiences

Engage Employees with an Adoption Program

An adoption program ensures that your employees enthusiastically embrace the new platform as part of their daily work experiences, helping drive immediate value in your investments.


Digital employee experience is the combination of the experiences provided to the employee through an integrated digital workspace hub, and the experience management solutions provided to IT to measure, correlate, and remediate experience issues, underpinned by AI. VMware offers an extremely comprehensive digital employee experience solution including Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub, Digital Employee Experience Management, and Workspace ONE Assist.

With the acceleration of digital transformation, and the imperative of the business to support flexible work, all organizations are now being measured on employee experience and its related effect on productivity. Employee experience is critical to the success of a shift to an “anywhere organization.”

Successful employee experience projects that are delivered by IT have partnership with HR, line of business decision makers and employee stakeholders.

The end-user computing landscape in many organizations is a number of silos—different devices and operating systems, identity and access providers, applications stacks and more. All of this provides a disjointed employee experience. Organizations are challenged to cut across these silos and provide an integrated and seamless employee experience to their workforce, and lack the visibility to measure experiences with a comprehensive experience score. By combining employee experience with experience management, IT can improve the employee experience and efficiently remediate issues when they arise. 


Digital Employee Experience Management (DEEM) is the process of measuring all interactions with digital tools, such as device, OS, apps, network, etc., and delivering a seamless, device-agnostic user experience and security across all major mobile and desktop platforms—including Windows 10, macOS, iOS and Android. 

Digital Employee Experience Management aggregates data from multiple sources, analyses, applies machine learning models and delivers employee, app and device experience scores, as well as a wide range of dashboards and reports. Admins can then identify anomalies and predict issues, and deliver a fix using the powerful automation engine.

After a successful technology roll out, you will need to explain to users the benefits that Workspace ONE brings to them, to ensure they engage enthusiastically. You want to empower your users to make the most of the new tool and become proficient using it.

Check out the End User Adoption page for adoption and change management guidance and enablement tools

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