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Code quality

Automate your code review with style, quality, security, and test‑coverage checks when you need them most. Code quality is intended to keep complexity down and runtime up.

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PragTob commented Jul 5, 2020

We have a problem: if files aren't loaded/required we don't have branch data. If they are added through track_files we give it 0/0 branches which we show as 100% coverage (all possible branches are covered).

That math is "wrong" though here because there are branches but we don't know what they are. We should probably count total branches here as "unkown" and establish that in our "math unive

BraisGabin commented Feb 25, 2021

Expected Behavior

When detekt reports that a call or an import is forbidden it tell my why it is forbidden.

Current Behavior

Right now detekt just say that it is forbidden so we a new person in the project doesn't know what to do.


Some coworkers ask me some times "Why is this forbidden?" And I need to explain them. That never bother me but after reading this in: https:/

webknjaz commented Dec 10, 2021

What's wrong

While integrating WPS into yet another project, I've hit a case where it caused flake8 to run for over 11 minutes on a relatively performant laptop. Having not seen this before, it was a bit challenging to figure out the cause but I've armed myself with py-spy, and after an hour of staring at the terminal and helpful visualizations, I've discovered that some of the darglint's s

Code quality apps


Automate Code Reviews and Reduce Technical Debt


Code review expert on demand. Automated for mobile and web


Advanced static analysis for automatically finding runtime errors in JavaScript code


CommitCheck ensures your commit messages are consistent and contain all required information


Find and prevent zero-days and other critical bugs, with customizable alerts and automated code review


Ensure that new code is fully covered, and see coverage trends emerge. Works with any CI service


Policy enforcement solution for confident and compliant code


A GitHub app that optimizes your images


Automatically analyze pull request against custom per-project rulesets and best practices


A quality visualization tool to identify and prioritize technical debt and evaluate your organizational efficiency

Code Review Doctor

Your code review copilot for Python and Django that offers the fix right inside the PR

Codecov | Code Coverage

Automatic test report merging for all CI and languages into a single code coverage report directly into your pull request


Fastest and reliable static anlaysis platform for engineering teams


Static Analysis for your C/C++ Code & Doxygen Automatic Code Documentation Generation and Storage


Code scanning at ludicrous speed. Find bugs, apply guardrails across your repos, and get feedback in PRs, Slack, or email

See more Code quality apps